Arteriosclerosis {ahr-tir-ee-oh-skluh-roh'-sis} is a term used to describe several diseases that involve the cardiovascular system and the many arteries and vessels which make it up. Atherosclerosis invades both the superficial and deep layers of the vessel walls. Arteriosclerosis is often referred to as "hardening of the arteries."
Arteriosclerosis occurs over a period of many years during which the arteries of the cardiovascular system develop areas which become hard and brittle. Vessels become thickened. There is a loss of elasticity. It can involve the arteries of the cardiovascular system, the brain, kidneys, upper and lower extremities. This occurs because of the deposition of calcium in their walls.
Arteriosclerosis differs from atherosclerosis, which involves the buildup of fatty deposits in the innermost lining of large and medium-sized arteries. Atherosclerosis often leads to coronary heart disease, strokes, and other disorders because of the occurrence of blood clots which form in the narrowed arteries; hardening of the arteries, on the other hand occur only in advanced stages.
Arteriosclerosis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Baryta muriatica [Bry]
This drug produces lesions of arteriosclerosis of the large blood vessels and aorta, similar to senile atheroma. It would be difficult to find a drug having closer resemblances to the phenomena of arterio- sclerosis than Baryta muriatica. It has the headache which is more or less severe, but which is rather a heaviness, worse at night when lying down. Dizziness of old people. Apoplexy or threatened apoplexy, with buzzing in the ears. It should be given for a long pulmonary arterio- sclerosis. It should be given for a long time. The strengths recommended are the 3, 6 s 30th. Dr. Askenstsedt, of Louisville, Ky;, has obtained excellent results with the remedy. Baryta carbonica is sometimes used, but we believe better results will follow the use of the muriate. It should not be forgotten in aortitis and especially aortic aneurism. Here is our mainstay.
#Arnica [Arn]
This is a remedy of value in cerebral arteriosclerosis,vertigo of the aged, heaviness and cerebral affections, plethoric people who have a tendency to haemorrhages.
#Plumbum [Plumb]
Hypertension and arterio-sclerosis. It seems to suit rather the pre- sclerotic states than those of actual sclerosis, which latter are naturally unattackable by any drug. It has a cramp like constriction of the peripheral arteries, a wiry pulse, and especially if the symptoms be associated with a chronic nephritis it is all the more indicated. Patient feels the pulse in the fingers. Slight motion causes fainting. Dr.Donner, of Stuttgart, says,"I give Plumbum frequently in arterio- sclerosis in the higher dilutions. I am no friend of high dilutions, but with this remedy I have seen wonderful results follow its use, especially in cases complicated with granular kidneys." He uses the 30th dilution. It suits the anaemic, pale, emaciated patients with extreme weakness which is the plumbum constitution. Aconite. High tension is reduced by this remedy.
#Aurum muriaticum [Aur-m]
This is the most decided beneficial remedy in this affection says Dr. Gisevius, of Berlin. He uses it in the 4th potency . It is indicated by hypertrophy of the heart, congestion to the chest and head,strong palpitation. Paraesthesias about the heart, stitches and heaviness. It corresponds well with ;old age and if the characteristic mental symptoms of Aurum are present it will help promptly. It seems to have a special affinity to the arteries of the head. It is probably more useful than Aurum iodatum; both are powerful, deep-acting drugs.
#Ergotin [Ergot]
In ergot poisoning the arterial walls ares degenerated and stiffened there is a spasmodic contraction of the vessels, the heart's action is increased and the cost of the vessels ares hardened. In the beginning of arterio-sclerosis when only the cardiac irritation and the hard heart sounds are present Ergotin 3x or 6x is the chief remedy. In more progressive forms with endarteritic processes in the heart and arteries of the head, the 2x and 1x triturations are to be preferred. A curative action is frequently had in these cases,. It corresponds to and should be used especially in early cases.
#Natrum iodatum [Nat-i]
Is useful in high arterial pressure in the 1x, especially in the beginning, and later in the 3x an 4x when the pulses is softer, arterio-sclerosis with angina pectoris, vertigo and dyspnoea. All the iodides are useful. Baryta iodide, Kali iodides and Strontium iodide produces arterio- sclerotic changes. Arsenicum iodatum is very useful in senile hearts with aortitis, myocarditis and fatty degeneration. Amyl nitrite and Glonoine are palliative remedies in this affection.
#Strophanthus [Stroph]
Senile arterio-sclerosis, fatty degeneration, failing compensation, tendency to dropsical accumulations.
#Adrenalin [Adren]
This medicine has been used successfully by the Dr.jousset father and son, given in the 3rd, 6th, and 12th centesimal dilutions in high arterial blood pressure and in arterio-sclerosis. The most favorable results have been produced. Long use of Adrenalin can lead to arterial and aortic lesions. Not so when given in the strengths above mentioned. Roaring in the ears due to high blood pressure is often benefited by this remedy.
#Crataegus [Crat]
This remedy is claimed to have a wonderful solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the lumen of the arteries, and will in arterio-sclerotic subjects prolong life. Heart troubles after acute rheumatism.
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