Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a finger-like glandular piece of tissue that connects to the beginning of the large intestine, usually at the lower right side of the abdomen. In older children, the classic symptoms of appendicitis are abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. Abdominal pain usually begins in the center of the abdomen, around the area of the navel ("belly button"). Later, the pain may move downward and to the right - to an area called McBurney's point, roughly corresponding to the location of the appendix in the lower right portion of the abdomen.
After his abdominal pain begins, a child with appendicitis usually develops a slight fever, loses his appetite, feels nauseous, and may vomit. The fact that abdominal pain begins before nausea and vomiting, rather than after, is one clue to suspect appendicitis rather than an intestinal infection.
Other symptoms that may be seen in older children with appendicitis include: diarrhea (usually small stools with mucus); urinary tract symptoms (urinating very frequently and/or an uncomfortably strong urge to urinate); constipation; and, sometimes, respiratory symptoms.
Appendicitis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Belladonna [Bell]
In the early stages of this affection where there is severe pain in the ileo-caecal region, where the slightest touch cannot be borne,and patient lies on back,this remedy will be found most useful. It corresponds to the pain, the vomiting , the paralysis of the intestine. It comes in after the chill of the Aconite stage has passed off and the inflammation has localized itself. Much pain contra-indicates Aconite. Ferrum phosphoricum and Kali muriaticum have proved themselves clinically in inflammation about the ileo-caecal region and their indications rest on clinical grounds only. Belladonna is especially useful in catarrhal and recurring cases.
#Bryonia [Bry]
As in all inflammations about serous membranes, Bryonia will here find a place. It has throbbing and sharp stitching pains confined to a limited spot and the patient is constipated. The ileo-caecal region is very sore and sensitive to touch. Any movement is painful and the patient lies perfectly still and on the painful side. The febrile disturbance of the drug will be present. Mercurius being Homoeopathic inflammation of the mucous membranes deserves consideration, especially has it hard swelling, fever, flushed face,red,dry tongue, etc.
#Arsenicum [Ars]
When the condition points to sepsis Arsenicum may be the remedy. There are chills, hectic symptoms, diarrhoea and restlessness,and sudden sinking of strength. It relieves vomiting in these conditions more quickly than any other remedy. Dr.Mitchell finds it more often indicated in appendicitis than Mercurius corrosivus, which may also be a useful remedy. Arnica is a remedy suiting septic cases and it should be employed after operations.
#Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus.t]
This remedy, with its great correspondence to septic troubles may be required, and may be indicated by its peculiar symptoms; locally, took it has extensive swelling over the ileo-caecal region and great pain, causing an incessant restlessness. Dr.Cartier, of Paris, recommends Rhus radicans 6. in appendicitis of influenza origin at the onset. Hepar has a deep-seated induration and Dioscorea has proved a valuable, remedy when the pain is constant, the patient never being entirely free from pain. One observer claims Dioscorea to be as important a remedy in appendicitis as is Bryonia in hepatitis. It indications are bowels filled with gas and griping, twisting pains. It may be given in hot water. It is a far more inflammatory remedy than Colocynth, deeper acting, and its paroxysmal pains are an indication. Echinacea, it is claimed, has acted brilliantly in septic appendicitis; the tincture, 1X and 3x are the strengths used. No indications except septic condition; tiredness is characteristic.
#Lachesis [Lach]
This is also a valuable remedy; its great characteristics of sensitiveness all over the abdomen, and stitching from the seat of the inflammation backward and downward to the thighs, will indicate it in this disease. The patient lies on the back with knees drawn up, and other general Lachesis symptoms present. Plumbum has a tense swelling in the ileo-caecal region, painful to touch and on movement; the abdominal walls are retracted, there are eructations of gas and vomiting and both have a faecal odor. Ignatia is the remedy for the nervous symptoms of the disease, and to be used in cases where operation has been performed and no relief has resulted; also in those who become exceeding nervous from any abdominal pain. Undoubtedly many cases of simple colic ares diagnosed as appendicitis and operated upon. Therefore, purely colic remedies as Colocynth and Magnesia phosphorica should be studied. The foregoing remedies will be found the most commonly indicated any may be used in both operable and non-operable cases as well as in conjunction with the meritorious ;oil treatment of the disease advocated by Dr.M.O.Terry, formerl
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