(See also Intermittent and Typhoid Fever.)
A rise in the temperature of the body; frequently a symptom of infection. A fever occurs when your temperature rises above its normal range. What's normal for you may be a little higher or lower than the average temperature of 98.6 F. That's why it's hard to say just what a fever is. But a "significant" fever is usually defined as an oral or ear temperature of 102 F or a rectal temperature of 103 F. If you're an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but it usually isn't dangerous unless it rises above 103 F. For very young children and infants, however, even slightly elevated temperatures may indicate a serious infection.
Causes of Fever
Infections are the most common causes of fevers. But there is a long list of other causes, which includes acute bronchitis, AIDS and HIV infection, autoimmune disorders, cancer, colds or flu-like illnesses, collagen vascular disease, rheumatoid diseases, ear infections, Hodgkin's disease, infectious mononucleosis, inflammatory bowel disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, leukemia, medications (such as antibiotics, antihistamines, barbiturates, and drugs for high blood pressure), neuroblastoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, pneumonia, appendicitis, tuberculosis, and meningitis, periarteritis nodosa, regional enteritis, sore throats, strep throat, systemic lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, upper respiratory infections (such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis), urinary tract infections, viral and bacterial infections, viral gastroenteritis or bacterial gastroenteritis.
Mechanism of Fever
Body temperature is set by the hypothalamus, which is situated at the base of the brain. It acts as a thermostat for the whole system. When something's wrong, the normal temperature is simply set a few points higher. The feeling of chilliness and shivering may start when the body tries to elevate its temperature. This phenomena is to generate heat. Profuse sweating may be felt when the temperature begins to return to normal. This mechanism helps to dissipate the excess heat.
Symptoms of Fever
Apart from the high temperature, symptoms like sweating, shivering, headache, muscle aches, lack of appetite, dehydration and general weakness may present, depending upon the cause of the fever. Very high fevers between the temperatures 103° and 106°F may produce hallucinations, confusion, irritability and convulsions.
Homeopathic Treatment for Fever
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
Following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of Fever:
#Aconite. [Acon]
This remedy typifies a synochal sthenic fever, and corresponds to hyperaemia congestion and chill preceding inflammatory fever. Frequent chilliness is common in fevers calling for Aconite. There is redness of the face, great heat and oftentimes an outward pressing headache. A slight degree of delirium does not contra-indicate Aconite. The mental symptoms are all important; there is anxiety, and restlessness from the violent circulatory storm; there is dry skin, violent thirst, full bounding frequent pulse and sweating relieves. If it is brought on by exposure to dry cold winds or chilling of the body after overheat, especially when warm and sweaty it is well indicated. It suits the young and robust and has no relation to the weak and sickly. The never failing characteristics of mental anguish must be present. The attack of fever often terminates with a critical sweat. Veratrum viride. This remedy suits cases similar to Aconite, but it has more arterial excitement and no anxiety.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This remedy suits dull, stupid, apathetic conditions. The patient is dizzy and drowsy, the chill is partial; there is a full flowing pulse with an element of weakness in it. It corresponds especially to remittent types of fever and to fevers brought on by warm, relaxing weather. The fever is accompanied by languor, muscular weakness and a desire for absolute rest and is unaccompanied by thirst. Ferrum phosphoricum. This remedy stands midway between Aconite and Gelsemium in febrile conditions, and it may be differentiated from its neighbors by the pulse, which, under Aconite, is full and bounding and under Gelsemium soft and flowing, and by the mental symptoms, Aconite being marked by anxiety and Gelsemium by drowsiness and dullness. Baptisia. Hughes praises this remedy in simple continued fevers, where he believes it is specific. Gastric fever, he claims, will never run into typhoid if treated with this remedy. Pulsatilla has a thirstless fever, hot head, dry lips and chilliness all over, especially in the evening. Chilliness predominates with the remedy, there being but little heat.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
An excellent fever remedy, it comes in after Aconite when the skin is dry and hot and there is no sweat; the fever seems to burn the patient up,the tongue is dry and red and the patient at first is sleepless and restless, but soon becomes drowsy. There are no blood changes; it is a chronic Aconite or a passive Aconite does to the arteries.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy is marked by erethism, violent delirium, headache, throbbing carotids and cerebral symptoms. Eyes red and glistering; the skin is hot and burning; the heat seems to steam out from the body; it may be followed by a profuse sweat which brings no relief. The characteristics are briefly: General dry heat with chills, little or no thirst, in fact, the patient may have a dread of water, cool extremities and throbbing headache. The fever is worse at night. The Nux vomica fever is characterized by great heat; the whole body is burning hot, the face is especially red and hot, yet the patient feels chilly when uncovering.
#Bryonia. [Bry]
Suits especially a quite form of fever; true, the patient may be restless and toss about, but is always made worse thereby. There is intense headache, dull, stupefying with a sensation as if the head would burst at the temples; sharp pains over the eyes, faintness on rising up, dry mouth and a tongue coated white in the middle. Cold, chilly sensations predominate in fevers calling for Bryonia, and there is much thirst for large drinks of water at rather infrequent intervals. The fever of Bryonia is unmarked by the violence, acuteness and general storm of Aconite or the decomposition and great debility of the acids. It is neither synochal nor so markedly asthenic in character, it is between the two and is dependent upon local affections, state of stomach, liver, chest, etc.
#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
A form of catarrhal fever, so-called, which is met with frequently calls for Rhus more than for any other remedy. It commences with weakness of the whole body with desire to lie down, soreness or bruised sensations in the limbs, aching of limbs and bones, great pain in back, restlessness, worse while lying still, sickness at the stomach, loss of appetite, repugnance for food, great thirst, dry tongue and mouth. It is useful on that borderland where febrile cases merge into a typhoid condition. Mercurius. Here the fever is characterized by weariness, prostration and trembling. It is slow, lingering fever, generally a gastric or a bilious, remittent fever. It is characterized by the following combination of symptoms which no other drug has: Profuse salivation, dry throat and great thirst for cold water.
Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy stands midway between Aconite and Gelsemium in febrile conditions, and it may be differentiated from its neighbors by the pulse, which, under Aconite, is full and bounding and under Gelsemium soft and flowing, and by the mental symptoms, Aconite being marked by anxiety and Gelsemium by drowsiness and dullness.
Baptisia tinctoria: Gastric fever will never run into typhoid if treated with this remedy.
Pulsatilla pratensis: Thirstless fever, hot head, dry lips and chilliness all over, especially in the evening. Chilliness predominates with the remedy, there being but little heat.
Nux vomica: The Nux vomica fever is characterized by great heat; the whole body is burning hot, the face is especially red and hot, yet the patient feels chilly when uncovering.
Mercurius solubilis: Here the fever is characterized by weariness, prostration and trembling. It is a slow, lingering fever, generally a gastric or a bilious, remittent fever. It is characterized by the following combination of symptoms which no other drug has : Profuse salivation, dry throat and great thirst for cold water.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis
The terms eczema and dermatitis are now used synonymously. They refer to a distinctive reaction pattern of the skin showing a combination of signs which depend on the duration of rash and type of eczema.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - CAUSE
Based on the etiology, eczemas are divided into two basic groups:
1. Exogenous - This can occur due to contact with some irritant or allergen
2. Endogenous - This group contains all other types of which cause and mechanism is poorly understood. Many factors like heredity, hypersensitivity, fungal infection, senile changes, venous stasis etc are implicated in various forms of endogenous eczema.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - MECHANISM - WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS?
It is not very well understood. In acute stage of eczema, edema of the epidermis and intra-epidermal vesicles form. In chronic stage there is thickening and pigmentation of skin.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Acute Eczema
· Redness ans swelling, usually with ill defined margins
· Papules, vesicles, and more large blisters
· Exudation and cracking of skin
· Scaling of skin
· Itching in and around the lesion
Chronic Eczema
· All the above plus
· Thickening and lichenification ( a dry leathery thickening with increased skin margins, is secondary to rubbing and scratching and is most often seen in atopic eczema.)
· Fissures and scratch marks
· Pigmentation of the skin in and around the lesion
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - COMPLICATIONS
Super infection - most often with bacteria (staph-aureus) and yeast (candia). Super infection is encouraged by the use of local steroids.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - HOW IT IS DIAGNOSED?
Usually eczemas are diagnosed clinically. Patch test and prick test may be required for allergens.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - WHAT TO DIFFERENTIATE FROM?
· Simple pruritis
· Fungal, bacterial, and other infections
· Exfoliative dermatitis
HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT & Medicines for Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis
Homeopathy offers very good treatment for eczema, but the approach used by homeopaths is very different from that of conventional treatment. Homeopaths usually do not give anything to apply topically. Instead they try to remove the basic disposition/sensitivity to develop such a lesion using internal medicine. This approach not only successfully removes the eczema but also removes the possibility of development of other hypersensitivity disorders like asthma after the eczema is cured. To find the proper remedy a homeopath collects all the past medical history of the person, his/her family history, his/her physical and psychological characteristics etc. All this information helps the homeopath to find a remedy which not only will remove the eczema but will also remove the disposition to acquire such diseases. As a note of caution I would like to add here that after a proper remedy is given the eczema may occasionally ( not often) show a mild flare up. This should not worry the patient as it is often considered a good prognostic sign by homeopaths.
There are many medicines in homeopathy that are used for this condition. ars-alb, bovista, dulcamara, graphites, lycopodium, mezereum, peteroleum, rhus-tox, sulphur, cicuta etc are some commonly used medicines. But which medicine will work in a particular case can only be judged by a trained homeopath.
The terms eczema and dermatitis are now used synonymously. They refer to a distinctive reaction pattern of the skin showing a combination of signs which depend on the duration of rash and type of eczema.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - CAUSE
Based on the etiology, eczemas are divided into two basic groups:
1. Exogenous - This can occur due to contact with some irritant or allergen
2. Endogenous - This group contains all other types of which cause and mechanism is poorly understood. Many factors like heredity, hypersensitivity, fungal infection, senile changes, venous stasis etc are implicated in various forms of endogenous eczema.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - MECHANISM - WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS?
It is not very well understood. In acute stage of eczema, edema of the epidermis and intra-epidermal vesicles form. In chronic stage there is thickening and pigmentation of skin.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Acute Eczema
· Redness ans swelling, usually with ill defined margins
· Papules, vesicles, and more large blisters
· Exudation and cracking of skin
· Scaling of skin
· Itching in and around the lesion
Chronic Eczema
· All the above plus
· Thickening and lichenification ( a dry leathery thickening with increased skin margins, is secondary to rubbing and scratching and is most often seen in atopic eczema.)
· Fissures and scratch marks
· Pigmentation of the skin in and around the lesion
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - COMPLICATIONS
Super infection - most often with bacteria (staph-aureus) and yeast (candia). Super infection is encouraged by the use of local steroids.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - HOW IT IS DIAGNOSED?
Usually eczemas are diagnosed clinically. Patch test and prick test may be required for allergens.
Eczema / Allergic Dermatitis - WHAT TO DIFFERENTIATE FROM?
· Simple pruritis
· Fungal, bacterial, and other infections
· Exfoliative dermatitis
HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT & Medicines for Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis
Homeopathy offers very good treatment for eczema, but the approach used by homeopaths is very different from that of conventional treatment. Homeopaths usually do not give anything to apply topically. Instead they try to remove the basic disposition/sensitivity to develop such a lesion using internal medicine. This approach not only successfully removes the eczema but also removes the possibility of development of other hypersensitivity disorders like asthma after the eczema is cured. To find the proper remedy a homeopath collects all the past medical history of the person, his/her family history, his/her physical and psychological characteristics etc. All this information helps the homeopath to find a remedy which not only will remove the eczema but will also remove the disposition to acquire such diseases. As a note of caution I would like to add here that after a proper remedy is given the eczema may occasionally ( not often) show a mild flare up. This should not worry the patient as it is often considered a good prognostic sign by homeopaths.
There are many medicines in homeopathy that are used for this condition. ars-alb, bovista, dulcamara, graphites, lycopodium, mezereum, peteroleum, rhus-tox, sulphur, cicuta etc are some commonly used medicines. But which medicine will work in a particular case can only be judged by a trained homeopath.
DYSMENORRHOEA, Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps
DYSMENORRHOEA, Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps
This condition refers to the pain or discomfort associated with menstruation. About 80 percent of the time, cramps are part of the primary dysmenorrhea syndrome. Although not a serious medical problem, it’s usually meant to describe a woman with menstrual symptoms severe enough to keep her from functioning for a day or two each month. Symptoms may begin one to two days before menses, peak on the first day of flow, and subside during that day or over several days. The pain is typically described as dull, aching, cramping and often radiates to the lower back.
DYSMENORRHOEA, Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
The characteristic indication for this remedy in dysmenorrhoea is pain flying across the pelvic region from one side to the other. It is especially useful in rheumatic and nueralgic cases,and in congestive cases it may also be thought of along with Belladonna and Veratrum viride. Headache preceding menses; during menses sharp pains across abdomen, has to double up, labor-like pains, and during menstrual interval debility and perhaps a scanty flow. The resin Macrotin is preferred by many practitioners. The pains of Cimicifuga are not severe and intense nor felt with such acuteness as are those of Chamomilla.
#Caulophyllum. [Caul]
The dysmenorrhoea of Caulophyllum is essentially spasmodic in character; the pains are bearing down in character.It produces a continued spasm of the uterus simulating first stage of labor; the flow is mostly normal in quantity. The spasmodic intermittent pains which call for Caulophyllum are in the groins, a useful remedy in these spasmodic cases if given between the periods. to various part of the body. Magnesia muriatica is also a remedy which may be studied in uterine spasm. Gelsemium is similar in many respects to Caulophyllum. It is very useful remedy in neuralgic and congestive dysmenorrhoea when there is such bearing down. The pains are spasmodic and labor-like, with passages of large quantities of pale urine. It is one of the best given low in hot water. It will surely relieve the pains at the start.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
The congestive forms of dysmenorrhoea would call for Belladonna. There is pain preceding the flow and a sensation of heaviness as if everything would protrude from the vulva, relieved by sitting up straight. The pains come on suddenly and cease suddenly; the flow is offensive and clotted. The dysmenorrhoea is intensely painful, the vagina is hot and dry and the pains are cutting through the pelvis in a horizontal direction, not around the body, as in Platinum and Sepia. Veratrum viride has also been used with benefit in congestive dysmenorrhoea, in plethoric women, accompanied by strangury and preceded by intense cerebral congestion, also spasmodic dysmenorrhoea at or near the climacteric.These are conditions in which the old school knows only Opium, yet these remedies are far superior to that drug, often curing permanently while Opium is only palliative.
#Viburnum opulus. [Vib]
This remedy produces a sudden pain in the region of the uterus before menstruation and much backache during menses. In neuralgic and spasmodic dysmenorrhoea it has achieved considerable reputation. Dr. Hale considers it specific in this form of painful mensturation. Its chief indications seem to be in the character of the pains, which are spasmodic. Spasmodic dysuria in hysterical subjects also calls for Viburnum. Its keynotes, therefore, are bearing down, aching in sacral and pubic region, excruciating, cramp, colicky pains in hypogastrium, much nervousness, and occasional shooting pains in the ovaries. Like Sepia, Viburnum has pains going around the pelvis and also the empty, gone feeling in the stomach; but the bearing down is more violent, culminating in an intense uterine cramp. More indicated by clinical experience than by its pathogenesis.
#Xanthoxylum. [Xanth]
This remedy has about only one use in homoeopathic medicine, and that is in dysmenorrhoea and uterine pains. It is useful where the pains are agonizing, burning, extending down thighs along the crural nerves with a feeling as if the limbs were paralyzed, the mensturation is usually profuse and with it agonizing bearing down pains; chiefly leftsided are the pains of Xanthoxylum, though it also affects the right ovary. It corresponds closely to the neuralgic form of dysmenorrhoea. Hale says that the neuralgic element must predominate to have the remedy efficacious. Some further symptoms may be headache over the left eye the day before the menses, and it seems to correspond to women of spare habits and of a delicate, nervous temperament.
#Magnesia phosphorica. [Mag-p]
Perhaps no remedy has achieved a greater clinical reputation in dysmenorrhoea than has Magnesia phosphorica. The pains calling for it are neuralgic and crampy preceding the flow, and the great indication for the use of this remedy is the relief from warmth and the aggravation from motion. In neuralgia of the uterus Magnesia phosphorica vies with Cimicifuga. Uterine engorgements with the characteristic crampy pains will indicate the remedy. It has also been used successfully in membraneous dysmenorrhoea. We have very few remedies for this affection. Borax is one, but it is often unsuccessful, there seems to be no very special characteristic for it , unless it be the fear of downward motion which might exist in some cases. Hale mentions Viburnum, Guaiacum and Ustillago, besides Borax, for membraneous dysmenorrhoea. Their indications are chiefly empirical. Colocynth, a useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea, may be compared with Magnesia phosphorica. The symptoms of Colocynth are severe left-sided ovarian pains, causing patient to double up; pains extend from umbilicus to genitals.
#Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Dysmenorrhoea calls for Pulsatilla when the menses are dark in color and delayed; the flow will be fitful and the more severe the pains are the more chilly the patient will get. The pains gripe and double the patient up. It is perhaps more useful when given between the periods, and in congestive dysmenorrhoea, from wetting of the feet, it may be compared with Aconite, but in Aconite the discharge is bright red in stead of dark. Chamomilla and Cocculus are two remedies which run along side by side with Pulsatilla in dysmenorrhoea, and all need careful individualization. Chamomilla has also a dark flow, but it has such characteristic mental symptoms of crossness and incivility that it cannot be mistaken. It will relieve many cases (12X). Cocculus also has dark flow. It has a pain as if sharp stones were rubbing against each other in the abdomen from accumulation of flatus; the pains are worse at night, awaken the the patient and make her irritable. Menses come too early, sometimes nausea is an accompaniment. It also is said to be more efficacious given between the periods. The mental condition of Pulsatilla, if present, will always indicate the remedy. Further, if the pains shift about the indications of Pulsatilla are still stronger.
#Cocculus. [Cocc]
A most useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea and scanty, irregular menstruation . Uterine cramps. Profuse discharge of clotted blood and severe headache accompanied by nausea; a heaving up and down of the stomach as in seasickness. It suits cases on the borderland between the neuralgic and congestive types of dysmenorrhoea. Uterine cramps with suppressed irregular menstruation and a sero-purulent bloody discharge were favorite indications of Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft. Gelsemium IX has also proved useful in the spasmodic form. Ignatia has dysmenorrhoea with menstrual colic or bearing-down in the hypogastric region, hysterical labor-like pains relieved by pressure.
This condition refers to the pain or discomfort associated with menstruation. About 80 percent of the time, cramps are part of the primary dysmenorrhea syndrome. Although not a serious medical problem, it’s usually meant to describe a woman with menstrual symptoms severe enough to keep her from functioning for a day or two each month. Symptoms may begin one to two days before menses, peak on the first day of flow, and subside during that day or over several days. The pain is typically described as dull, aching, cramping and often radiates to the lower back.
DYSMENORRHOEA, Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
The characteristic indication for this remedy in dysmenorrhoea is pain flying across the pelvic region from one side to the other. It is especially useful in rheumatic and nueralgic cases,and in congestive cases it may also be thought of along with Belladonna and Veratrum viride. Headache preceding menses; during menses sharp pains across abdomen, has to double up, labor-like pains, and during menstrual interval debility and perhaps a scanty flow. The resin Macrotin is preferred by many practitioners. The pains of Cimicifuga are not severe and intense nor felt with such acuteness as are those of Chamomilla.
#Caulophyllum. [Caul]
The dysmenorrhoea of Caulophyllum is essentially spasmodic in character; the pains are bearing down in character.It produces a continued spasm of the uterus simulating first stage of labor; the flow is mostly normal in quantity. The spasmodic intermittent pains which call for Caulophyllum are in the groins, a useful remedy in these spasmodic cases if given between the periods. to various part of the body. Magnesia muriatica is also a remedy which may be studied in uterine spasm. Gelsemium is similar in many respects to Caulophyllum. It is very useful remedy in neuralgic and congestive dysmenorrhoea when there is such bearing down. The pains are spasmodic and labor-like, with passages of large quantities of pale urine. It is one of the best given low in hot water. It will surely relieve the pains at the start.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
The congestive forms of dysmenorrhoea would call for Belladonna. There is pain preceding the flow and a sensation of heaviness as if everything would protrude from the vulva, relieved by sitting up straight. The pains come on suddenly and cease suddenly; the flow is offensive and clotted. The dysmenorrhoea is intensely painful, the vagina is hot and dry and the pains are cutting through the pelvis in a horizontal direction, not around the body, as in Platinum and Sepia. Veratrum viride has also been used with benefit in congestive dysmenorrhoea, in plethoric women, accompanied by strangury and preceded by intense cerebral congestion, also spasmodic dysmenorrhoea at or near the climacteric.These are conditions in which the old school knows only Opium, yet these remedies are far superior to that drug, often curing permanently while Opium is only palliative.
#Viburnum opulus. [Vib]
This remedy produces a sudden pain in the region of the uterus before menstruation and much backache during menses. In neuralgic and spasmodic dysmenorrhoea it has achieved considerable reputation. Dr. Hale considers it specific in this form of painful mensturation. Its chief indications seem to be in the character of the pains, which are spasmodic. Spasmodic dysuria in hysterical subjects also calls for Viburnum. Its keynotes, therefore, are bearing down, aching in sacral and pubic region, excruciating, cramp, colicky pains in hypogastrium, much nervousness, and occasional shooting pains in the ovaries. Like Sepia, Viburnum has pains going around the pelvis and also the empty, gone feeling in the stomach; but the bearing down is more violent, culminating in an intense uterine cramp. More indicated by clinical experience than by its pathogenesis.
#Xanthoxylum. [Xanth]
This remedy has about only one use in homoeopathic medicine, and that is in dysmenorrhoea and uterine pains. It is useful where the pains are agonizing, burning, extending down thighs along the crural nerves with a feeling as if the limbs were paralyzed, the mensturation is usually profuse and with it agonizing bearing down pains; chiefly leftsided are the pains of Xanthoxylum, though it also affects the right ovary. It corresponds closely to the neuralgic form of dysmenorrhoea. Hale says that the neuralgic element must predominate to have the remedy efficacious. Some further symptoms may be headache over the left eye the day before the menses, and it seems to correspond to women of spare habits and of a delicate, nervous temperament.
#Magnesia phosphorica. [Mag-p]
Perhaps no remedy has achieved a greater clinical reputation in dysmenorrhoea than has Magnesia phosphorica. The pains calling for it are neuralgic and crampy preceding the flow, and the great indication for the use of this remedy is the relief from warmth and the aggravation from motion. In neuralgia of the uterus Magnesia phosphorica vies with Cimicifuga. Uterine engorgements with the characteristic crampy pains will indicate the remedy. It has also been used successfully in membraneous dysmenorrhoea. We have very few remedies for this affection. Borax is one, but it is often unsuccessful, there seems to be no very special characteristic for it , unless it be the fear of downward motion which might exist in some cases. Hale mentions Viburnum, Guaiacum and Ustillago, besides Borax, for membraneous dysmenorrhoea. Their indications are chiefly empirical. Colocynth, a useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea, may be compared with Magnesia phosphorica. The symptoms of Colocynth are severe left-sided ovarian pains, causing patient to double up; pains extend from umbilicus to genitals.
#Pulsatilla. [Puls]
Dysmenorrhoea calls for Pulsatilla when the menses are dark in color and delayed; the flow will be fitful and the more severe the pains are the more chilly the patient will get. The pains gripe and double the patient up. It is perhaps more useful when given between the periods, and in congestive dysmenorrhoea, from wetting of the feet, it may be compared with Aconite, but in Aconite the discharge is bright red in stead of dark. Chamomilla and Cocculus are two remedies which run along side by side with Pulsatilla in dysmenorrhoea, and all need careful individualization. Chamomilla has also a dark flow, but it has such characteristic mental symptoms of crossness and incivility that it cannot be mistaken. It will relieve many cases (12X). Cocculus also has dark flow. It has a pain as if sharp stones were rubbing against each other in the abdomen from accumulation of flatus; the pains are worse at night, awaken the the patient and make her irritable. Menses come too early, sometimes nausea is an accompaniment. It also is said to be more efficacious given between the periods. The mental condition of Pulsatilla, if present, will always indicate the remedy. Further, if the pains shift about the indications of Pulsatilla are still stronger.
#Cocculus. [Cocc]
A most useful remedy in dysmenorrhoea and scanty, irregular menstruation . Uterine cramps. Profuse discharge of clotted blood and severe headache accompanied by nausea; a heaving up and down of the stomach as in seasickness. It suits cases on the borderland between the neuralgic and congestive types of dysmenorrhoea. Uterine cramps with suppressed irregular menstruation and a sero-purulent bloody discharge were favorite indications of Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft. Gelsemium IX has also proved useful in the spasmodic form. Ignatia has dysmenorrhoea with menstrual colic or bearing-down in the hypogastric region, hysterical labor-like pains relieved by pressure.
Severe, often bloody diarrhea, vomitting, fever; life-threatening if untreated. Dysentery is inflammation of the bowel resulting from infection. There are two kinds – dysentery caused by a bacterial germ (bacillary dysentery or shigellosis), and amoebic dysentery, caused by an amoeba called Entamoeba histolytica.
Dysentery is a more serious form of diarrhea, where the stools are tinged with blood and mucus. The diarrhea can be quite severe, characterized by colicky pains and frequent urging. Stools can be passed as often as fifteen to thirty times per day. The onset is typically sudden, accompanied by a high fever and thirst. The illness causes great fatigue and depletion of strength. Dehydration is a serious side-effect, especially if the person becomes too weak to drink enough liquids. In cases of amebic dysentery, the symptoms are quite mild, with constipation and diarrhea alternating, combined with some intestinal cramping and gas. The danger of an amebic dysentery is involvement of the liver, and can lead to hepatitis, cysts and abscesses. These liver problems can remain dormant for many years.
Dysentry - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Mercurius corrosivus. [Merc-c]
All the preparations of mercury act on the intestines, producing bloody stools with tenesmus, and, of course, all may be indicated in dysentery. Mercurius corrosivus is the one usually thought of in this affection, as its symptoms corresponds to many severe cases. In the first place we have severe and extreme tenesmus; this is the great characteristic of the remedy; it is something more than the never-get-done feeling of Mercurius solubilis, it is an intense, painful tenesmus,and at the same time there is much tenesmus of the bladder,the stools are scanty, of mucous shreds and blood and there is great burning at the anus. Mercurius solubilis corresponds more to sporadic cases, and is seldom indicated in malignant types, and in mild cases Mercurius dulcis is an excellent remedy where tenesmus and pain are slight. Capsicum has frequent small stools attended with tenesmus and burning in the rectum, but to have Capsicum well indicated the symptoms of shivering when the patient drinks should be present.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Arsenicum is a valuable remedy in dysentery. There are scanty stools, burning in the rectum, thirst, and after the stool there is great prostration, but there is not the tympanitic distention of the abdomen found under Lycopodium and Carbo vegetabilis; though the patient is restless and thirsty, water is borne badly. Stools which are undigested, slimy and bloody, indicate Arsenicum. Blackish brown, horribly offensive stools also indicate well the remedy. The tenesmus and burning of the anus and rectum continue after stool. If Arsenicum be well indicated its characteristic thirst and restlessness must be present.
#Cantharis. [Canth]
This remedy, which produces such an intense vesical tenesmus, also produces a like condition in the rectum. Its characteristics are bloody and slimy discharges which look like the scrapings of the intestines, which are nothing but the fibrous exudations from the disease. Tenesmus is marked, and always with Cantharis there is a painful urination, and there is present a colic-like pain doubling the patient up, being here similar to Colocynth, which has a number of the same symptoms. Thus both have the above symptom of being doubled up by pain, both have slimy and bloody stools, worse from eating or drinking; but under Colocynth the pains cease after stool and the patient is relieved by bending double. Cantharis has more inflammation, Colocynth more nervous symptoms. Colchicum is also similar, the tenesmus and constriction of anus following stool is more tormenting than the urging during stool; tympany also strongly indicates Colchicum. Kali bichromicum follows Cantharis when the scrapings become jelly-like. The thirst with Cantharis is unquenchable.
#Aconite. [Acon]
In the first stages of dysentery Aconite has proved a useful remedy, and it comes in especially well when the days are warm and the nights are cold. ,The stools are frequent and scanty with tenesmus, the skin is hot and dry and general Aconite symptoms are present. Ferrum phosphoricum comes in cases less acute than Aconite; there is more blood with the stool, but tenesmus contra-indicates the remedy. Mercurius follows both well. Belladonna is especially suitable to the dysentery of children and plethoric young persons. Cowperthwaite recommends the 3X.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
For persistent or chronic cases of dysentery Sulphur is the remedy; the tenesmus continues, in fact there is a sort of tenesums all the time, the stools are slimy and there is frequent sudden urging to stool. Sometimes this condition is present without the tenesums. In Nux the tenesums ceases after stool and the pains are relieved for a short time; it is similar to Sulphur in its frequent urging, the stools are bloody, slimy, scanty and watery,and the patient is worse in the morning. Tearing pains down the thighs as an accompaniment of dysentery would indicate Rhus toxicodendron. Great offensiveness of stools and constriction of the anus would suggest Lachesis. Baptisia is useful where there is tenesums but no pain which indicates vital depression, offensive discharges are also present. It is especially useful in dysentery of old people with fevers. Aloes is also a useful remedy in dysentery. The stools are of a jelly-like mucus, and covered with blood and accompanied by griping in the epigastric region, the amount of mucus expelled is large, and, like Sulphur,it is useful in chronic cases. It is also a splendid remedy in purely inflammatory dysentery and follows Aconite well. Ipecac may be useful in cases where large quantities of mucus are expelled. In haemorrhoidal dysentery, which is really a phlebitis of the haemorrhoidal veins, Aloes and Hamamelis are the remedies.
Severe, often bloody diarrhea, vomitting, fever; life-threatening if untreated. Dysentery is inflammation of the bowel resulting from infection. There are two kinds – dysentery caused by a bacterial germ (bacillary dysentery or shigellosis), and amoebic dysentery, caused by an amoeba called Entamoeba histolytica.
Dysentery is a more serious form of diarrhea, where the stools are tinged with blood and mucus. The diarrhea can be quite severe, characterized by colicky pains and frequent urging. Stools can be passed as often as fifteen to thirty times per day. The onset is typically sudden, accompanied by a high fever and thirst. The illness causes great fatigue and depletion of strength. Dehydration is a serious side-effect, especially if the person becomes too weak to drink enough liquids. In cases of amebic dysentery, the symptoms are quite mild, with constipation and diarrhea alternating, combined with some intestinal cramping and gas. The danger of an amebic dysentery is involvement of the liver, and can lead to hepatitis, cysts and abscesses. These liver problems can remain dormant for many years.
Dysentry - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Mercurius corrosivus. [Merc-c]
All the preparations of mercury act on the intestines, producing bloody stools with tenesmus, and, of course, all may be indicated in dysentery. Mercurius corrosivus is the one usually thought of in this affection, as its symptoms corresponds to many severe cases. In the first place we have severe and extreme tenesmus; this is the great characteristic of the remedy; it is something more than the never-get-done feeling of Mercurius solubilis, it is an intense, painful tenesmus,and at the same time there is much tenesmus of the bladder,the stools are scanty, of mucous shreds and blood and there is great burning at the anus. Mercurius solubilis corresponds more to sporadic cases, and is seldom indicated in malignant types, and in mild cases Mercurius dulcis is an excellent remedy where tenesmus and pain are slight. Capsicum has frequent small stools attended with tenesmus and burning in the rectum, but to have Capsicum well indicated the symptoms of shivering when the patient drinks should be present.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Arsenicum is a valuable remedy in dysentery. There are scanty stools, burning in the rectum, thirst, and after the stool there is great prostration, but there is not the tympanitic distention of the abdomen found under Lycopodium and Carbo vegetabilis; though the patient is restless and thirsty, water is borne badly. Stools which are undigested, slimy and bloody, indicate Arsenicum. Blackish brown, horribly offensive stools also indicate well the remedy. The tenesmus and burning of the anus and rectum continue after stool. If Arsenicum be well indicated its characteristic thirst and restlessness must be present.
#Cantharis. [Canth]
This remedy, which produces such an intense vesical tenesmus, also produces a like condition in the rectum. Its characteristics are bloody and slimy discharges which look like the scrapings of the intestines, which are nothing but the fibrous exudations from the disease. Tenesmus is marked, and always with Cantharis there is a painful urination, and there is present a colic-like pain doubling the patient up, being here similar to Colocynth, which has a number of the same symptoms. Thus both have the above symptom of being doubled up by pain, both have slimy and bloody stools, worse from eating or drinking; but under Colocynth the pains cease after stool and the patient is relieved by bending double. Cantharis has more inflammation, Colocynth more nervous symptoms. Colchicum is also similar, the tenesmus and constriction of anus following stool is more tormenting than the urging during stool; tympany also strongly indicates Colchicum. Kali bichromicum follows Cantharis when the scrapings become jelly-like. The thirst with Cantharis is unquenchable.
#Aconite. [Acon]
In the first stages of dysentery Aconite has proved a useful remedy, and it comes in especially well when the days are warm and the nights are cold. ,The stools are frequent and scanty with tenesmus, the skin is hot and dry and general Aconite symptoms are present. Ferrum phosphoricum comes in cases less acute than Aconite; there is more blood with the stool, but tenesmus contra-indicates the remedy. Mercurius follows both well. Belladonna is especially suitable to the dysentery of children and plethoric young persons. Cowperthwaite recommends the 3X.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
For persistent or chronic cases of dysentery Sulphur is the remedy; the tenesmus continues, in fact there is a sort of tenesums all the time, the stools are slimy and there is frequent sudden urging to stool. Sometimes this condition is present without the tenesums. In Nux the tenesums ceases after stool and the pains are relieved for a short time; it is similar to Sulphur in its frequent urging, the stools are bloody, slimy, scanty and watery,and the patient is worse in the morning. Tearing pains down the thighs as an accompaniment of dysentery would indicate Rhus toxicodendron. Great offensiveness of stools and constriction of the anus would suggest Lachesis. Baptisia is useful where there is tenesums but no pain which indicates vital depression, offensive discharges are also present. It is especially useful in dysentery of old people with fevers. Aloes is also a useful remedy in dysentery. The stools are of a jelly-like mucus, and covered with blood and accompanied by griping in the epigastric region, the amount of mucus expelled is large, and, like Sulphur,it is useful in chronic cases. It is also a splendid remedy in purely inflammatory dysentery and follows Aconite well. Ipecac may be useful in cases where large quantities of mucus are expelled. In haemorrhoidal dysentery, which is really a phlebitis of the haemorrhoidal veins, Aloes and Hamamelis are the remedies.
Diarrhoea means there are frequent, loose or liquid stools. There may be a gripey abdominal pain (colic) which is less after a stool is passed.
Acute diarrhoea - comes on suddenly and lasts a short time.
Chronic diarrhoea - affects someone over a long period of time.
Some people pass frequent, small solid stools with a sense of urgency. This is not true diarrhoea and occurs when the rectum is irritable as in the irritable bowel syndrome or inflamed as in colitis.
What causes diarrhoea?
Too much fluid is passed (secreted) from the blood-stream into the bowel, for example in gastroenteritis. This is how some laxatives work.
The bowel moves its contents through too quickly and too little fluid is passed back into the bloodstream. This is one way in which anxiety produces diarrhoea.
More liquid is drunk than the bowel can cope with - this seldom happens, but is one way in which drinking too much beer can cause diarrhoea.
What causes acute diarrhoea?
Food poisoning
Gastroenteritis (see separate leaflet on the prevention and treatment of travellers’ diarrhoea)
Sometimes treatment with an antibiotic
Alcohol (to excess)
What causes chronic diarrhoea?
When diarrhoea goes on for a long time, the most likely cause is irritable bowel syndrome. It is called a ‘functional’ condition. This means that the bowel produces stools which are looser or more frequent than normal, although the bowel is not diseased.
Diarrhoea - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
That excellent and truly homoeopathic work on diarrhoea by Dr. J.B.Bell contains the indications for some one hundred and forty remedies in this complaint. The following are perhaps the more often indicated. Arsenicum, it may be said, is always thought of in diarrhoea. Given a case of diarrhoea, and two remedies always come to mind, namely, Arsenicum and Veratrum, and immediately the distinguishing features of these are gone over much in this way:
Arsenicum. Stools in small quantities. Restlessness, anguish and intolerance of pain. Thirst for small quantities and often. The prostration and weakness are out the stool, of all proportion to stool.
Veratrum album. Profuse stools. No restlessness, anguish, intolerance of pain. Great thirst for large quantities of cold water. Great prostration follows not more, however,than profuseness warrants.
The two remedies are easily distinguished, and it would it seem to be the height of imbecility to alternate them. The grand characteristics of Arsenicum in diarrhoea , therefore, are:
1. The small quantity. 2. The dark color. 3. The offensive odor. 4. The great prostration following.
Another grand feature is the burning in the rectum, which almost amounts to a tenesmus. The stools of Arsenicum are dark yellow, undigested, slimy or bloody ; they are often dark green and very offensive; they are worse at night and after eating or drinking. China, Ferrum and Arsenicum all have undigested stool coming on after eating. Among the principal causes of the diarrhoea calling for Arsenicum, and one which would be an additional indication, is chilling of the stomach by cold food, ice water or ice cream. It is also the remedy for diarrhoea from tainted food and so-called ptomaine poisoning. It hardly seems possible that Arsenicum with these characteristics could be misprescribed.
#Veratrum album. [Verb]
The characteristics of Veratrum album are no less well marked than are those of Arsenicum. They are as follows:
1. A profuse watery stool, forcible evacuated. 2. Pain in the abdomen preceding stool. 3. Great prostration following stool. 4. Cold sweat , coldness and blueness of the body generally.
The stools of Veratrum are watery, containing therein flakes, and are commonly called rice-water discharges. Preceding the stool is a severe pinching colic in the abdomen , and this pain is apt to continue during the stool. Nausea,too, is often an accompaniment. Cramps in the feet and legs may also be present.
Jatropha has a profuse watery discharge, evacuated with great force, and the patient is cold as under Veratrum; but with Jatropha a great quantity of wind escapes. Cuprum is also similar in many respects to Veratrum. Here the cramps are very severe and extend to the chest; it has the vomiting and purging of Veratrum, but not the cold sweat. Among the prominent general symptoms of Veratrum is the great thirst for very cold water in large draughts.
From personal experience I believe Veratrum acts better in the higher potencies in diarrhoea ; in the lower potencies it may produce unfavorable results from too sudden stoppage of the discharges, while in the higher potencies, 12th,30th etc., its acts tuto, cito et jocunde.
#Cinchona officinalis. [Cinch]
Arsenicum and Veratrum in a certain case having been excluded, perhaps the next remedy coming to mind is Cinchona. Indeed, it may come to mind at once if the diarrhoea be a painless one. Cinchona, Podophyllum and Phosphoric acid have painless stools. Or, if the stool be undigested, it will come promptly to mind along with Podophyllum and Ferrum, which is a very efficient remedy in painless diarrhoea. The characteristic Cinchona diarrhoea is a painless one, of a cadaverous odor. It is slimy, bilious, blackish and mixed with undigested food; it is worse at night and after eating , with a rapid exhaustion and emaciation, and this exhaustion, emaciation and debility at once distinguish the remedy from Phosphoric acid, which is similar, lacking the debility , but having the following:
1. Rumbling in abdomen. 2. Perspiration of the whole body. 3. Thin watery painless stools. 4. Much thirst.
The Cinchona diarrhoea is worse after eating , here resembling Ferrum and Arsenicum . If it be caused or made worse by fruit, it is an additional characteristic indication for its use. It is a great favorite in summer diarrhoeas, also Iris versicolor, when there is much sour vomiting. Cinchona has a similar thirst to Arsenicum, the patient drinks little and often , but it lacks the burning to Arsenicum. Diarrhoeas coming on after attacks of acute illness areoften met by Cinchona. It also corresponds to the chronic diarrhoeasof aged persons.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
The diarrhoea of sulphur is very characteristic. It has changeable stools, yellow , watery, slimy, and in scrofulous children may contain undigested food. It is worse in the morning about four or five O'clock, when it wakens the patient and drives him out of bed in great haste. For these early morning diarrhoeas we have a number of remedies. Bryonia is one , but the stool of Bryonia comes on after the patient has been up a while and has moved about, here presenting the worse-from-motion symptom of that drug. Natrum sulphuricum is another; it has morning stool associated with a great deal of flatus, and it comes on usually as soon as the patient stands on his feet in the morning, or sometimes during the forenoon. Rumex crispus is another and it has exactly the same symptom as Sulphur, but it is usually associated with cough. Podophyllum is another and perhaps the most similar to Sulphur in this respect. It hurries the patient out of bed and it has changeable stools,but it is more apt to continue throughout the day and is associated with soreness in the liver. There is with Sulphur a tendency to rectal soreness, there is itching and soreness at the anus, the stools being acrid and excoriating.
Phosphorus has a morning painless stool and so has Dioscorea, but the colicky pains of this remedy starting from the umbilicus and radiating to all parts of the body should be easily distinguish. Petroleum has early morning stools associated with emaciation. They differ from Sulphur in occurring also throughout the day. Kali bichromicum has also a watery gushing stool coming on in the morning and followed by tenesmus. The stools of Sulphur are offensive and the odor of the stool follows the patient about as if he had soiled himself.The stools often alternate between constipation and diarrhoea, and if haemorrhoids be present it is an additional good indication for Sulphur. A diarrhoea of mucus streaked with blood, preceded by colic, is also often found under the remedy.
#Aloes. [Aloe]
Aloes is a remedy whose chief action is on the rectum. It produces a constant desire to stool, and the passages are accompanied with a great deal of flatus. The great characteristic of the drug feeling of uneasiness, weakness, and certainly about the rectum; there is a constant feeling as if stool would escape, the patient dares not pass flatus for fear of the escape of faeces. This condition is met with in children sometimes, they pass faeces when passing flatus. Aloes resembles Sulphur, Thuja and Bryonia in having an early morning stool; like Sulphur wakens the patient and hurries him out of bed to the toilet. It is worse from eating but it seldom continues during the day. The weakness of the sphincter ani is also found under Phosphoric acid, where we have also stools escaping with the flatus. The Aloes patient will also pass stool when urinating. Haemorrhoids which are characteristically swollen and sore accompany the Aloes stool. The stool themselves are yellow and pasty or lumpy and watery, and before the stool there are griping pains across the lower part of the abdomen and around the navel. These pains also continue during stool and passage usually relieves them. The essentials are:
1. The lumpy, watery stool. 2. The intense griping across the lower parts of the abdomen before and during stool, leaving after stool. 3. The extreme prostration and perspiration following.
#Croton tiglium. [Crot]
Croton tiglium is one of the great homoeopathic remedies for diarrhoea , which might readily be imagined from the prompt action of the drug in the minutest doses of the crude substance in the intestinal canal. Its characteristics are a yellowish, watery stool pouring out like water from a hydrant, and especially associated with nausea and vomiting and aggravated by eating and drinking. There are a number of drugs which are very similar to Croton tiglium and they may be mentioned here. The first is Elaterium. This is a remedy for frothy, copious, forcible diarrhoeas preceded by cutting in abdomen, chilliness, prostration and colic. They are always gushing and may be olive-green in color. The second is Gratiola; this has a gushing watery diarrhoea coming out like water from a hydrant; the stools are yellowish green and frothy and there is associated with them a cold feeling in the abdomen. The third is Jatropha.
This has a profuse, gushing, watery diarrhoea; but here there is much wind and flatulence and great prostration. The fourth is Gamboge. This has a stool expelled "all at once", with much relief following. Stools thin and watery. The characteristics of the stool of Croton tiglium are:
1. The yellow, watery stool. 2. The sudden expulsion. 3. The aggravation from drink and food; and to this we may add the quite common accompaniment of nausea, preceded by a little pain in the abdomen.
#Rheum. [Rheum]
One symptom always leads to the thought of this drug, and that is sourness of stools and of the whole body, though Rheum is not only remedy for sour stools nor are sour stools the only indication for Rheum; indeed, they may be wanting in sourness and Rheum still be the remedy. For sour stools, besides Rheum, we have notably Calcarea carbonica, Magnesia carbonica and Hepar. Magnesia carbonica is said to follow Rheum well, and, besides sourness, it has the frothy, green, frog-pond scum stool, and it is especially suitable to infants when the stools are of the above character and accompanied with discharge flatus and much crying. Debility is also characteristic of the remedy.
Characteristic among the symptoms of Rheum, besides the sourness, is a griping colic often followed by tenesmus. In color, the stools are brown and frothy, and usually sour; they are worse from motion and after eating. Chilliness during stool is also characteristic. The continuance ;of the colic after the stool also suggests the remedy.
#Podophyllum. [Podo]
Podophyllum, as we have seen, has an early morning diarrhoea. The stools are watery, yellow, profuse,forcible and occur without pain any time from three o'clock to nine in the morning, and a natural stool is apt to follow later in the day. It occurs, too, immediately after eating resembling cinchona and Colocynth, and it has still another resemblance to Colocynth in its colic, which is relieved by warmth and bending forward. Following the diarrhoea of Podophyllum is a sensation of great weakness in the abdomen and rectum, this weakness o;f the rectum being a great characteristic of the remedy. The rectum prolapses before the faeces are evacuated; here it differs from the prolapses which would call for Ignatia, Carbo vegetabilis and Hamamelis.
Podophyllum has proved useful in the diarrhoea of dentition when cerebral symptoms are present. Sometimes a headache will alternate with the diarrhoea. This also occurs with Aloes. The stools of Podophyllum are often undigested; and here the remedy touches China and Ferrum, which are the great remedies for undigested stools. A deposit of mealy sediment further indicates the remedy in diarrhoeas of children. Podophyllum and Mercurius have some symptoms in common; both affect the liver both affect the liver, both have a tongue taking the imprint of the teeth, but the stool of Mercurius is accompanied by straining. The great characteristics of Podophyllum may be thus summed up: 1. Early morning stools. 2. Watery, pasty yellow or undigested stools, forcibly expelled. 3. Painless. 4. Weakness in the rectum following stool. Podophyllum also resembles Calcarea carbonica and Phosphoric acid in many respects; the rapid debility and exhaustion distinguish it from the acid, and the absence of general Calcarea symptoms from the acid, and the absence of general Calcarea symptoms from CALCAREA. It is especially useful in the obstinate diarrhoeas of unhealthy infants in the 3x dilution.
#Mercurius. [Merc]
Straining at stool is the great characteristic of Mercurius, and this is more marked under Mercurius corosivus than under the solubilis. The former is the great homoeopathic remedy for dysentery. It may be remarked, in passing, that the allopaths have recently discovered this application of Mercurius corrosivus. The stools of Mercury are slimy and bloody, accompanied by a straining and tenesmus which does not seem to let up; so we have what is characteristically described as a never-get-done-feeling. There is accompanying, much hepatic soreness, flabby tongue taking imprint of the teeth, and before the stool there is violent urging and perhaps chilliness. Bayes praises Mercurius in a diarrhoea of yellow or clay-colored stool. A sickly smell from the mouth is characteristic of the remedy, and if the ready perspiration so characteristic of Mercurius be present the choice is easy. Prolapsus of the rectum may follow the stool.
#Calcarea. [Calc]
Calcarea should never be overlooked in any intestinal trouble; as we have seen, it is one of the great remedies for sour stools, and for undigested stools. It is one of our best remedies for chronic diarrhoea, its symptoms produced by the provers are very few, yet prescribed for its general symptoms it has proved very useful, for it is just in a genuine Calcarea patient that one usually finds diarrhoea.Diarrhoes occurring during dentition in infants with open fontanelles call for Calcarea. Calcarea phosphorica, too, is a very useful remedy in these diarrhoeas, but the diarrhoea of Calcarea phosphorica is distinguished by being a spluttering diarrhoea, forcibly expelled, but watery, greenish, or undigested, and with a great deal of offensive flatus. Calcarea carbonica is more suited to fat children. Calcarea phosphorica to those who are old and wrinkled. Both of these remedies, as well as Silicea and Sulphur, come in most frequently in the diarrhoeas of scrofulous and rachitic children. In the Calcarea carbonica patient there is usually a ravenous appetite, and, as in Phosphoric acid, the stools do not seem to weaken. This is especially true of another of the Calcareas, Calcarea acetica. Prescribe for the patient instead of the diarrhoea at all times,but more especially if Calcarea be given.
#Phosphorous. [Phos]
Phosphorous is especially a remedy for chronic forms of diarrhoea. It has green mucous stools worse in the morning, often undigested and painless. The stools pass as soon as they enter the rectum,and contain white particles like rice or tallow. Apis has a sensation as if the anus stood open, and the involuntary escape of faeces in Phosphorous reminds also of Aloes. Chronic,painless diarrhoea of undigested food call sometimes for Phosphorus. It is profuse and forcible and aggravated by warm food, and the patient often vomits; in fact, one of the characteristics of Phosphorous is the vomiting of what has been drunk as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. With the diarrhoea there is a weak, gone feeling in the stomach, and perhaps burning between the shoulders. The frog spawn, or sago, or grain of tallow stool is most characteristic of the remedy.
#Argentum nitricum. [Arg]
Argentum nitricum is quite similar to Arsenic in many ways. The stools are green, slimy and bloody,like chopped spinach in flakes. Aconite has a green stool like spinach. With the stool there is a discharge of flatus and much spluttering, as in Calcarea Phosphorica. The stools are worse from any candy, sugar, or from drinking. The sudden attacks of cholera infantum in children who have eaten too much candy will often be removed by Argentum nitricum. The children are thin, dried up looking, and it seems as if the child had but one bowel and that extended from the mouth to the anus. Another characteristic of Argentum nitricum is its use in diarrhoea brought on by great mental excitement, emotional disturbance, etc.
Gelsemium is one of the most prominent remedies for diarrhoea produced by fright or fear; it appears suddenly and the stools are yellow and papescent. Opium has diarrhoea from fright and so has Veratrum album. Pulsatilla, too, may be indicated in diarrhoea from fright; the stools are greenish yellow and changeable. Dulcamara has diarrhoea from changes in the weather or in temperature, as in those employed in packing house who change frequently from hot to cold, or diarrhoea in the mountains where the midday is hot and the nights excessively cool.There are a number of minor remedies for diarrhoea , but these very minor remedies become of major importance when they are closely indicated.
Diarrhoea means there are frequent, loose or liquid stools. There may be a gripey abdominal pain (colic) which is less after a stool is passed.
Acute diarrhoea - comes on suddenly and lasts a short time.
Chronic diarrhoea - affects someone over a long period of time.
Some people pass frequent, small solid stools with a sense of urgency. This is not true diarrhoea and occurs when the rectum is irritable as in the irritable bowel syndrome or inflamed as in colitis.
What causes diarrhoea?
Too much fluid is passed (secreted) from the blood-stream into the bowel, for example in gastroenteritis. This is how some laxatives work.
The bowel moves its contents through too quickly and too little fluid is passed back into the bloodstream. This is one way in which anxiety produces diarrhoea.
More liquid is drunk than the bowel can cope with - this seldom happens, but is one way in which drinking too much beer can cause diarrhoea.
What causes acute diarrhoea?
Food poisoning
Gastroenteritis (see separate leaflet on the prevention and treatment of travellers’ diarrhoea)
Sometimes treatment with an antibiotic
Alcohol (to excess)
What causes chronic diarrhoea?
When diarrhoea goes on for a long time, the most likely cause is irritable bowel syndrome. It is called a ‘functional’ condition. This means that the bowel produces stools which are looser or more frequent than normal, although the bowel is not diseased.
Diarrhoea - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
That excellent and truly homoeopathic work on diarrhoea by Dr. J.B.Bell contains the indications for some one hundred and forty remedies in this complaint. The following are perhaps the more often indicated. Arsenicum, it may be said, is always thought of in diarrhoea. Given a case of diarrhoea, and two remedies always come to mind, namely, Arsenicum and Veratrum, and immediately the distinguishing features of these are gone over much in this way:
Arsenicum. Stools in small quantities. Restlessness, anguish and intolerance of pain. Thirst for small quantities and often. The prostration and weakness are out the stool, of all proportion to stool.
Veratrum album. Profuse stools. No restlessness, anguish, intolerance of pain. Great thirst for large quantities of cold water. Great prostration follows not more, however,than profuseness warrants.
The two remedies are easily distinguished, and it would it seem to be the height of imbecility to alternate them. The grand characteristics of Arsenicum in diarrhoea , therefore, are:
1. The small quantity. 2. The dark color. 3. The offensive odor. 4. The great prostration following.
Another grand feature is the burning in the rectum, which almost amounts to a tenesmus. The stools of Arsenicum are dark yellow, undigested, slimy or bloody ; they are often dark green and very offensive; they are worse at night and after eating or drinking. China, Ferrum and Arsenicum all have undigested stool coming on after eating. Among the principal causes of the diarrhoea calling for Arsenicum, and one which would be an additional indication, is chilling of the stomach by cold food, ice water or ice cream. It is also the remedy for diarrhoea from tainted food and so-called ptomaine poisoning. It hardly seems possible that Arsenicum with these characteristics could be misprescribed.
#Veratrum album. [Verb]
The characteristics of Veratrum album are no less well marked than are those of Arsenicum. They are as follows:
1. A profuse watery stool, forcible evacuated. 2. Pain in the abdomen preceding stool. 3. Great prostration following stool. 4. Cold sweat , coldness and blueness of the body generally.
The stools of Veratrum are watery, containing therein flakes, and are commonly called rice-water discharges. Preceding the stool is a severe pinching colic in the abdomen , and this pain is apt to continue during the stool. Nausea,too, is often an accompaniment. Cramps in the feet and legs may also be present.
Jatropha has a profuse watery discharge, evacuated with great force, and the patient is cold as under Veratrum; but with Jatropha a great quantity of wind escapes. Cuprum is also similar in many respects to Veratrum. Here the cramps are very severe and extend to the chest; it has the vomiting and purging of Veratrum, but not the cold sweat. Among the prominent general symptoms of Veratrum is the great thirst for very cold water in large draughts.
From personal experience I believe Veratrum acts better in the higher potencies in diarrhoea ; in the lower potencies it may produce unfavorable results from too sudden stoppage of the discharges, while in the higher potencies, 12th,30th etc., its acts tuto, cito et jocunde.
#Cinchona officinalis. [Cinch]
Arsenicum and Veratrum in a certain case having been excluded, perhaps the next remedy coming to mind is Cinchona. Indeed, it may come to mind at once if the diarrhoea be a painless one. Cinchona, Podophyllum and Phosphoric acid have painless stools. Or, if the stool be undigested, it will come promptly to mind along with Podophyllum and Ferrum, which is a very efficient remedy in painless diarrhoea. The characteristic Cinchona diarrhoea is a painless one, of a cadaverous odor. It is slimy, bilious, blackish and mixed with undigested food; it is worse at night and after eating , with a rapid exhaustion and emaciation, and this exhaustion, emaciation and debility at once distinguish the remedy from Phosphoric acid, which is similar, lacking the debility , but having the following:
1. Rumbling in abdomen. 2. Perspiration of the whole body. 3. Thin watery painless stools. 4. Much thirst.
The Cinchona diarrhoea is worse after eating , here resembling Ferrum and Arsenicum . If it be caused or made worse by fruit, it is an additional characteristic indication for its use. It is a great favorite in summer diarrhoeas, also Iris versicolor, when there is much sour vomiting. Cinchona has a similar thirst to Arsenicum, the patient drinks little and often , but it lacks the burning to Arsenicum. Diarrhoeas coming on after attacks of acute illness areoften met by Cinchona. It also corresponds to the chronic diarrhoeasof aged persons.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
The diarrhoea of sulphur is very characteristic. It has changeable stools, yellow , watery, slimy, and in scrofulous children may contain undigested food. It is worse in the morning about four or five O'clock, when it wakens the patient and drives him out of bed in great haste. For these early morning diarrhoeas we have a number of remedies. Bryonia is one , but the stool of Bryonia comes on after the patient has been up a while and has moved about, here presenting the worse-from-motion symptom of that drug. Natrum sulphuricum is another; it has morning stool associated with a great deal of flatus, and it comes on usually as soon as the patient stands on his feet in the morning, or sometimes during the forenoon. Rumex crispus is another and it has exactly the same symptom as Sulphur, but it is usually associated with cough. Podophyllum is another and perhaps the most similar to Sulphur in this respect. It hurries the patient out of bed and it has changeable stools,but it is more apt to continue throughout the day and is associated with soreness in the liver. There is with Sulphur a tendency to rectal soreness, there is itching and soreness at the anus, the stools being acrid and excoriating.
Phosphorus has a morning painless stool and so has Dioscorea, but the colicky pains of this remedy starting from the umbilicus and radiating to all parts of the body should be easily distinguish. Petroleum has early morning stools associated with emaciation. They differ from Sulphur in occurring also throughout the day. Kali bichromicum has also a watery gushing stool coming on in the morning and followed by tenesmus. The stools of Sulphur are offensive and the odor of the stool follows the patient about as if he had soiled himself.The stools often alternate between constipation and diarrhoea, and if haemorrhoids be present it is an additional good indication for Sulphur. A diarrhoea of mucus streaked with blood, preceded by colic, is also often found under the remedy.
#Aloes. [Aloe]
Aloes is a remedy whose chief action is on the rectum. It produces a constant desire to stool, and the passages are accompanied with a great deal of flatus. The great characteristic of the drug feeling of uneasiness, weakness, and certainly about the rectum; there is a constant feeling as if stool would escape, the patient dares not pass flatus for fear of the escape of faeces. This condition is met with in children sometimes, they pass faeces when passing flatus. Aloes resembles Sulphur, Thuja and Bryonia in having an early morning stool; like Sulphur wakens the patient and hurries him out of bed to the toilet. It is worse from eating but it seldom continues during the day. The weakness of the sphincter ani is also found under Phosphoric acid, where we have also stools escaping with the flatus. The Aloes patient will also pass stool when urinating. Haemorrhoids which are characteristically swollen and sore accompany the Aloes stool. The stool themselves are yellow and pasty or lumpy and watery, and before the stool there are griping pains across the lower part of the abdomen and around the navel. These pains also continue during stool and passage usually relieves them. The essentials are:
1. The lumpy, watery stool. 2. The intense griping across the lower parts of the abdomen before and during stool, leaving after stool. 3. The extreme prostration and perspiration following.
#Croton tiglium. [Crot]
Croton tiglium is one of the great homoeopathic remedies for diarrhoea , which might readily be imagined from the prompt action of the drug in the minutest doses of the crude substance in the intestinal canal. Its characteristics are a yellowish, watery stool pouring out like water from a hydrant, and especially associated with nausea and vomiting and aggravated by eating and drinking. There are a number of drugs which are very similar to Croton tiglium and they may be mentioned here. The first is Elaterium. This is a remedy for frothy, copious, forcible diarrhoeas preceded by cutting in abdomen, chilliness, prostration and colic. They are always gushing and may be olive-green in color. The second is Gratiola; this has a gushing watery diarrhoea coming out like water from a hydrant; the stools are yellowish green and frothy and there is associated with them a cold feeling in the abdomen. The third is Jatropha.
This has a profuse, gushing, watery diarrhoea; but here there is much wind and flatulence and great prostration. The fourth is Gamboge. This has a stool expelled "all at once", with much relief following. Stools thin and watery. The characteristics of the stool of Croton tiglium are:
1. The yellow, watery stool. 2. The sudden expulsion. 3. The aggravation from drink and food; and to this we may add the quite common accompaniment of nausea, preceded by a little pain in the abdomen.
#Rheum. [Rheum]
One symptom always leads to the thought of this drug, and that is sourness of stools and of the whole body, though Rheum is not only remedy for sour stools nor are sour stools the only indication for Rheum; indeed, they may be wanting in sourness and Rheum still be the remedy. For sour stools, besides Rheum, we have notably Calcarea carbonica, Magnesia carbonica and Hepar. Magnesia carbonica is said to follow Rheum well, and, besides sourness, it has the frothy, green, frog-pond scum stool, and it is especially suitable to infants when the stools are of the above character and accompanied with discharge flatus and much crying. Debility is also characteristic of the remedy.
Characteristic among the symptoms of Rheum, besides the sourness, is a griping colic often followed by tenesmus. In color, the stools are brown and frothy, and usually sour; they are worse from motion and after eating. Chilliness during stool is also characteristic. The continuance ;of the colic after the stool also suggests the remedy.
#Podophyllum. [Podo]
Podophyllum, as we have seen, has an early morning diarrhoea. The stools are watery, yellow, profuse,forcible and occur without pain any time from three o'clock to nine in the morning, and a natural stool is apt to follow later in the day. It occurs, too, immediately after eating resembling cinchona and Colocynth, and it has still another resemblance to Colocynth in its colic, which is relieved by warmth and bending forward. Following the diarrhoea of Podophyllum is a sensation of great weakness in the abdomen and rectum, this weakness o;f the rectum being a great characteristic of the remedy. The rectum prolapses before the faeces are evacuated; here it differs from the prolapses which would call for Ignatia, Carbo vegetabilis and Hamamelis.
Podophyllum has proved useful in the diarrhoea of dentition when cerebral symptoms are present. Sometimes a headache will alternate with the diarrhoea. This also occurs with Aloes. The stools of Podophyllum are often undigested; and here the remedy touches China and Ferrum, which are the great remedies for undigested stools. A deposit of mealy sediment further indicates the remedy in diarrhoeas of children. Podophyllum and Mercurius have some symptoms in common; both affect the liver both affect the liver, both have a tongue taking the imprint of the teeth, but the stool of Mercurius is accompanied by straining. The great characteristics of Podophyllum may be thus summed up: 1. Early morning stools. 2. Watery, pasty yellow or undigested stools, forcibly expelled. 3. Painless. 4. Weakness in the rectum following stool. Podophyllum also resembles Calcarea carbonica and Phosphoric acid in many respects; the rapid debility and exhaustion distinguish it from the acid, and the absence of general Calcarea symptoms from the acid, and the absence of general Calcarea symptoms from CALCAREA. It is especially useful in the obstinate diarrhoeas of unhealthy infants in the 3x dilution.
#Mercurius. [Merc]
Straining at stool is the great characteristic of Mercurius, and this is more marked under Mercurius corosivus than under the solubilis. The former is the great homoeopathic remedy for dysentery. It may be remarked, in passing, that the allopaths have recently discovered this application of Mercurius corrosivus. The stools of Mercury are slimy and bloody, accompanied by a straining and tenesmus which does not seem to let up; so we have what is characteristically described as a never-get-done-feeling. There is accompanying, much hepatic soreness, flabby tongue taking imprint of the teeth, and before the stool there is violent urging and perhaps chilliness. Bayes praises Mercurius in a diarrhoea of yellow or clay-colored stool. A sickly smell from the mouth is characteristic of the remedy, and if the ready perspiration so characteristic of Mercurius be present the choice is easy. Prolapsus of the rectum may follow the stool.
#Calcarea. [Calc]
Calcarea should never be overlooked in any intestinal trouble; as we have seen, it is one of the great remedies for sour stools, and for undigested stools. It is one of our best remedies for chronic diarrhoea, its symptoms produced by the provers are very few, yet prescribed for its general symptoms it has proved very useful, for it is just in a genuine Calcarea patient that one usually finds diarrhoea.Diarrhoes occurring during dentition in infants with open fontanelles call for Calcarea. Calcarea phosphorica, too, is a very useful remedy in these diarrhoeas, but the diarrhoea of Calcarea phosphorica is distinguished by being a spluttering diarrhoea, forcibly expelled, but watery, greenish, or undigested, and with a great deal of offensive flatus. Calcarea carbonica is more suited to fat children. Calcarea phosphorica to those who are old and wrinkled. Both of these remedies, as well as Silicea and Sulphur, come in most frequently in the diarrhoeas of scrofulous and rachitic children. In the Calcarea carbonica patient there is usually a ravenous appetite, and, as in Phosphoric acid, the stools do not seem to weaken. This is especially true of another of the Calcareas, Calcarea acetica. Prescribe for the patient instead of the diarrhoea at all times,but more especially if Calcarea be given.
#Phosphorous. [Phos]
Phosphorous is especially a remedy for chronic forms of diarrhoea. It has green mucous stools worse in the morning, often undigested and painless. The stools pass as soon as they enter the rectum,and contain white particles like rice or tallow. Apis has a sensation as if the anus stood open, and the involuntary escape of faeces in Phosphorous reminds also of Aloes. Chronic,painless diarrhoea of undigested food call sometimes for Phosphorus. It is profuse and forcible and aggravated by warm food, and the patient often vomits; in fact, one of the characteristics of Phosphorous is the vomiting of what has been drunk as soon as it becomes warm in the stomach. With the diarrhoea there is a weak, gone feeling in the stomach, and perhaps burning between the shoulders. The frog spawn, or sago, or grain of tallow stool is most characteristic of the remedy.
#Argentum nitricum. [Arg]
Argentum nitricum is quite similar to Arsenic in many ways. The stools are green, slimy and bloody,like chopped spinach in flakes. Aconite has a green stool like spinach. With the stool there is a discharge of flatus and much spluttering, as in Calcarea Phosphorica. The stools are worse from any candy, sugar, or from drinking. The sudden attacks of cholera infantum in children who have eaten too much candy will often be removed by Argentum nitricum. The children are thin, dried up looking, and it seems as if the child had but one bowel and that extended from the mouth to the anus. Another characteristic of Argentum nitricum is its use in diarrhoea brought on by great mental excitement, emotional disturbance, etc.
Gelsemium is one of the most prominent remedies for diarrhoea produced by fright or fear; it appears suddenly and the stools are yellow and papescent. Opium has diarrhoea from fright and so has Veratrum album. Pulsatilla, too, may be indicated in diarrhoea from fright; the stools are greenish yellow and changeable. Dulcamara has diarrhoea from changes in the weather or in temperature, as in those employed in packing house who change frequently from hot to cold, or diarrhoea in the mountains where the midday is hot and the nights excessively cool.There are a number of minor remedies for diarrhoea , but these very minor remedies become of major importance when they are closely indicated.
A cataract is a cloudy or opaque area (an area you cannot see through) in the lens of the eye.
Causes of Cataract
The lens of the eye is normally clear. If the lens becomes cloudy, the condition is known as a cataract. Rarely, cataracts may be present at or shortly after birth. These are called congenital cataracts. Adult cataracts usually develop with advancing age and may run in families. Cataracts develop more quickly in the presence of some environmental factors, such as smoking or exposure to other toxic substances. They may develop at any time after an eye injury. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes also greatly increase the risk for cataracts. Certain medications, such as cortisone, can also accelerate cataract formation.
Congenital cataracts may be inherited. The gene for such cataracts is dominant (autosomal dominant inheritance), which means that the defective gene will cause the condition even if only one parent passes it along. I families where one parent carries the gene, there is a 50% chance in every pregnancy that the child will be affected. Congenital cataracts can also be caused by infections affecting the mother during pregnancy, such as rubella. They are also associated with metabolic disorders such as galactosemia. Risk factors include inherited metabolic diseases, a family history of cataracts, and maternal viral infection during pregnancy.
Adult cataracts are generally associated with aging. They develop slowly and painlessly, and vision in the affected eye or eyes slowly gets worse. Visual problems may include the following changes: difficulty seeing at night Seeing halos around lights, being sensitive to glare, vision problems associated with cataracts generally move towards decreased vision, even in daylight. Adult cataracts are classified as immature, mature, and hypermature. A lens that has some remaining clear areas is referred to as an immature cataract. A mature cataract is completely opaque. A hypermature cataract has a liquefied surface that leaks through the capsule, and may cause swelling and irritation of other structures in the eye.
Most people develop some clouding of the lens after the age of 60. About 50% of people aged 65-74, and about 70% of those 75 and older, have cataracts that affect their vision. Most people with cataracts have similar changes in both eyes, although one eye may be worse than the other. Many people with this condition have only slight visual changes, and are not aware of their cataracts. Factors that may contribute to cataract development are low serum calcium levels, diabetes, long-term use of corticosteroids, and various inflammatory and metabolic disorders. Environmental causes include trauma, radiation exposure, and too much exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight). In many cases, the cause of cataract is unknown.
Symptoms of Cataract
Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or filmy vision Loss of color intensity Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription The glare from bright lights causes vision problems at night, especially while driving Sensitivity to glare from lamps or the sun Halos around lights Double vision in one eye Decreased contrast sensitivity (the ability to see shades, or shapes against a background)
Homeopathic Treatment for Cataract
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
Following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of Cataract:
Homeopathy can give bwenefit if cataract is diagnosed earlier. Many scientific studies have been done on this context that proved the efficacy of homeopathy on cataract. It is noteworthy that John Burdon – Cooper, the Scottish ophthalmic surgeon, expressed the efficacy of CMS eye drops in 1938. Also, Powell mentioned his success with CMS eye drops and other homeopathic remedies in the treatment of cataract. A paper published in British Homoeopathic Journal claims 60% success in both arresting and curing cataract with CMS eye drops. An animal experimentation in Philadelphia, USA has also confirmed the effectivity of this drug in prevention and treatment of cataract. Other than these, Sir Stewart Duke – Elder, Tichner, Hammer, Kent, Boericke, Clarke and others claimed the valuable results on homeopathic efficacy. Recently, Govt. of India’s Central Council for Research in Homeopathy has published the efficacy of CMS eye drops. On the positive side of homeopathy it does not have any side effects. A benefit without surgery will obviously be a boon to all of us.
Usually prescribed homeopathic drugs with their indications
Brynia alba: Cataract with stitching, tearing pain, pain worse by motion and better by rest, dryness of mucous membranes of the eyes, cataract with glaucoma.
Calcarea carbonica: Cataract with dimness of vision as if looking through a mist, sensitive to light, lachrymation in the early morning and open air.
Calcarea fluorica: Flickering and sparks before eyes; spots on the cornea; cataract with conjunctivitis.
Calcarea iodata: Cataract with lachrymal gland affection; conjunctivitis with enlarged eye lids.
Cannabis sativa: Cataract from nervous disturbances and abuse of alcohol and tobacco; patient feels deeply approaching blindness.
Causticum: Cataract with motor disturbances; inflammation of eyelids, sparks and dark spots before eyes, vision impaired as if film were before eyes.
Conium maculatum: Fear of light and excessive lachrymation; dim vision worse artificial light; sweat on closing eyes.
Euphrasia: Cataract with watering of eyes; acrid discharge from the eyes; cataract with blisters on cornea.
Natrum muriaticum: Cataract of incipient stage; cataract with headache; pain in eyes when looking down; dry mucous membranes of eyes; muscles of the eyes are weak and stiff pain in eye associated with pain in back of neck 6CH, 12CH, 30CH and higher.
Phosphorus: Cataract with Sensation as if everything covered with a mist or dust; sensation as if something pulled tightly over eyes; green halo about the candlelight; patient sees well by shading eyes with hand; letters appear red; cataract due to abuse of tobacco.
Pulsatilla Cataract with inflammation of eyes; thick, profuse, yellow discharge; lids inflammed and agglutinated.
Rhus toxicodendron: Traumatic cataract; photophobia associated with profuse flow of yellowish pus; eye painful when turning it; old injured eye.
Secale cornutum: Cataract of incipient stage; senile cataract; cataract especially in old woman.
Sepia: Black spots in the field of vision; cataract with pulsating headache; pain in the eyes aggravates morning and evening.
Silicea: Cataract in office workers; aversion to light; especially daylight; light produces dazzling and sharp pains through eyes; pain in eyes worse when closed; vision confused and letters run together on read.
Sulphur: Burning ulceration of margins of lids with cataract; first stage of ulceration in the cornea From lower 6CH to higher potencies.
Thiosinaminum: cataract of old age; cataract of carcinogenic origin
A cataract is a cloudy or opaque area (an area you cannot see through) in the lens of the eye.
Causes of Cataract
The lens of the eye is normally clear. If the lens becomes cloudy, the condition is known as a cataract. Rarely, cataracts may be present at or shortly after birth. These are called congenital cataracts. Adult cataracts usually develop with advancing age and may run in families. Cataracts develop more quickly in the presence of some environmental factors, such as smoking or exposure to other toxic substances. They may develop at any time after an eye injury. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes also greatly increase the risk for cataracts. Certain medications, such as cortisone, can also accelerate cataract formation.
Congenital cataracts may be inherited. The gene for such cataracts is dominant (autosomal dominant inheritance), which means that the defective gene will cause the condition even if only one parent passes it along. I families where one parent carries the gene, there is a 50% chance in every pregnancy that the child will be affected. Congenital cataracts can also be caused by infections affecting the mother during pregnancy, such as rubella. They are also associated with metabolic disorders such as galactosemia. Risk factors include inherited metabolic diseases, a family history of cataracts, and maternal viral infection during pregnancy.
Adult cataracts are generally associated with aging. They develop slowly and painlessly, and vision in the affected eye or eyes slowly gets worse. Visual problems may include the following changes: difficulty seeing at night Seeing halos around lights, being sensitive to glare, vision problems associated with cataracts generally move towards decreased vision, even in daylight. Adult cataracts are classified as immature, mature, and hypermature. A lens that has some remaining clear areas is referred to as an immature cataract. A mature cataract is completely opaque. A hypermature cataract has a liquefied surface that leaks through the capsule, and may cause swelling and irritation of other structures in the eye.
Most people develop some clouding of the lens after the age of 60. About 50% of people aged 65-74, and about 70% of those 75 and older, have cataracts that affect their vision. Most people with cataracts have similar changes in both eyes, although one eye may be worse than the other. Many people with this condition have only slight visual changes, and are not aware of their cataracts. Factors that may contribute to cataract development are low serum calcium levels, diabetes, long-term use of corticosteroids, and various inflammatory and metabolic disorders. Environmental causes include trauma, radiation exposure, and too much exposure to ultraviolet light (sunlight). In many cases, the cause of cataract is unknown.
Symptoms of Cataract
Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or filmy vision Loss of color intensity Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription The glare from bright lights causes vision problems at night, especially while driving Sensitivity to glare from lamps or the sun Halos around lights Double vision in one eye Decreased contrast sensitivity (the ability to see shades, or shapes against a background)
Homeopathic Treatment for Cataract
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc.
Following homeopathic medicines have been found effective in many cases of Cataract:
Homeopathy can give bwenefit if cataract is diagnosed earlier. Many scientific studies have been done on this context that proved the efficacy of homeopathy on cataract. It is noteworthy that John Burdon – Cooper, the Scottish ophthalmic surgeon, expressed the efficacy of CMS eye drops in 1938. Also, Powell mentioned his success with CMS eye drops and other homeopathic remedies in the treatment of cataract. A paper published in British Homoeopathic Journal claims 60% success in both arresting and curing cataract with CMS eye drops. An animal experimentation in Philadelphia, USA has also confirmed the effectivity of this drug in prevention and treatment of cataract. Other than these, Sir Stewart Duke – Elder, Tichner, Hammer, Kent, Boericke, Clarke and others claimed the valuable results on homeopathic efficacy. Recently, Govt. of India’s Central Council for Research in Homeopathy has published the efficacy of CMS eye drops. On the positive side of homeopathy it does not have any side effects. A benefit without surgery will obviously be a boon to all of us.
Usually prescribed homeopathic drugs with their indications
Brynia alba: Cataract with stitching, tearing pain, pain worse by motion and better by rest, dryness of mucous membranes of the eyes, cataract with glaucoma.
Calcarea carbonica: Cataract with dimness of vision as if looking through a mist, sensitive to light, lachrymation in the early morning and open air.
Calcarea fluorica: Flickering and sparks before eyes; spots on the cornea; cataract with conjunctivitis.
Calcarea iodata: Cataract with lachrymal gland affection; conjunctivitis with enlarged eye lids.
Cannabis sativa: Cataract from nervous disturbances and abuse of alcohol and tobacco; patient feels deeply approaching blindness.
Causticum: Cataract with motor disturbances; inflammation of eyelids, sparks and dark spots before eyes, vision impaired as if film were before eyes.
Conium maculatum: Fear of light and excessive lachrymation; dim vision worse artificial light; sweat on closing eyes.
Euphrasia: Cataract with watering of eyes; acrid discharge from the eyes; cataract with blisters on cornea.
Natrum muriaticum: Cataract of incipient stage; cataract with headache; pain in eyes when looking down; dry mucous membranes of eyes; muscles of the eyes are weak and stiff pain in eye associated with pain in back of neck 6CH, 12CH, 30CH and higher.
Phosphorus: Cataract with Sensation as if everything covered with a mist or dust; sensation as if something pulled tightly over eyes; green halo about the candlelight; patient sees well by shading eyes with hand; letters appear red; cataract due to abuse of tobacco.
Pulsatilla Cataract with inflammation of eyes; thick, profuse, yellow discharge; lids inflammed and agglutinated.
Rhus toxicodendron: Traumatic cataract; photophobia associated with profuse flow of yellowish pus; eye painful when turning it; old injured eye.
Secale cornutum: Cataract of incipient stage; senile cataract; cataract especially in old woman.
Sepia: Black spots in the field of vision; cataract with pulsating headache; pain in the eyes aggravates morning and evening.
Silicea: Cataract in office workers; aversion to light; especially daylight; light produces dazzling and sharp pains through eyes; pain in eyes worse when closed; vision confused and letters run together on read.
Sulphur: Burning ulceration of margins of lids with cataract; first stage of ulceration in the cornea From lower 6CH to higher potencies.
Thiosinaminum: cataract of old age; cataract of carcinogenic origin
An infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus. A carbuncle is an infection of the subcutaneous tissues involving the hair follicles, usually ca Carbuncle - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Arsenicum album [Ars]
This is generally regarded as the chief remedy in carbuncle. The great indication is burning as if coals of fire were on the affected part. There are also cutting, lancinating pains with aggravation after midnight,and great irritability of the mind and body. Arsenic comes in later in the disease than Rhus. Rhus is an excellent remedy in the beginning of the trouble when the pains are intense and the affected parts are dark red. If Arsenic fails resort may be had to Anthracinum, which has precisely the same symptom as Arsenic,but far more intense. Warm application relieve the Arsenic pains. Anthracinum will often promptly relieve the burning, agonizing pains of carbuncle. Echinacea is a wonderfully good remedy in carbuncle, the septic state, the prostration and the pain are well met by it, and it may also be applied externally.
#Lachesis [Lach]
is a very useful remedy when the surface is swollen and pus forms very slowly. The parts are purplish-looking with evidences of blood poisoning; there is great burning, relieved by washing in cold water. Small boils surrounding the main sore is a valuable indication. Carbuncles which slough are very offensive call for Lachesis or,perhaps, Carbo vegetabilis. Tarentula Cubensis produces a perfect picture of sloughing carbuncle with great prostration, and it relieves the atrocious pains accompanying it. An indication is an early marked black core center. Hughes has repeatedly verified this remedy in carbuncle (use Succus Calendula, I to 6, as a local application).
#Silicea [Sil]
This remedy comes in to favor healthy suppuration and promote healthy granulations. Carbuncles on back between the shoulders. Nitric acid and Phytolacca have a disposition to carbuncles. Grauvogl recommends Arnica.
used by staphylococci bacteria.
An infection larger than a boil and with several openings for discharge of pus. A carbuncle is an infection of the subcutaneous tissues involving the hair follicles, usually ca Carbuncle - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Arsenicum album [Ars]
This is generally regarded as the chief remedy in carbuncle. The great indication is burning as if coals of fire were on the affected part. There are also cutting, lancinating pains with aggravation after midnight,and great irritability of the mind and body. Arsenic comes in later in the disease than Rhus. Rhus is an excellent remedy in the beginning of the trouble when the pains are intense and the affected parts are dark red. If Arsenic fails resort may be had to Anthracinum, which has precisely the same symptom as Arsenic,but far more intense. Warm application relieve the Arsenic pains. Anthracinum will often promptly relieve the burning, agonizing pains of carbuncle. Echinacea is a wonderfully good remedy in carbuncle, the septic state, the prostration and the pain are well met by it, and it may also be applied externally.
#Lachesis [Lach]
is a very useful remedy when the surface is swollen and pus forms very slowly. The parts are purplish-looking with evidences of blood poisoning; there is great burning, relieved by washing in cold water. Small boils surrounding the main sore is a valuable indication. Carbuncles which slough are very offensive call for Lachesis or,perhaps, Carbo vegetabilis. Tarentula Cubensis produces a perfect picture of sloughing carbuncle with great prostration, and it relieves the atrocious pains accompanying it. An indication is an early marked black core center. Hughes has repeatedly verified this remedy in carbuncle (use Succus Calendula, I to 6, as a local application).
#Silicea [Sil]
This remedy comes in to favor healthy suppuration and promote healthy granulations. Carbuncles on back between the shoulders. Nitric acid and Phytolacca have a disposition to carbuncles. Grauvogl recommends Arnica.
used by staphylococci bacteria.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the part of the respiratory system that leads into the lungs. There are two types of bronchitis -- acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis usually appears after a respiratory infection, such as a cold, and can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Chronic bronchitis does not have a sudden onset and is most frequently caused by long term irritation of the bronchial tubes. A case if bronchitis is considered "chronic" if symptoms continue for three months or longer. (Chronic bronchitis is a type of COPD.) Bronchitis caused by allergies can also be classified as chronic bronchitis.
Symptoms and signs of acute bronchitis
Symptoms usually commence during epidemics of colds or influenza. They are frequently first noticed in the upper airways and are characterised by mucus drainage from sinuses, a burning throat and a general feeling of ill health. There may also be a raised temperature. A dry cough may herald the onset of bronchitis and this may be followed within hours to days by the production of small amounts of white and eventually yellow sputum. You may experience discomfort over the main airways (trachea or large bronchi), which will be accentuated by coughing or wheezing.
Symptoms of chronic bronchitis
Symptoms may not be immediately obvious for chronic bronchitis. They include:
Chronic productive cough (a cough that produces mucus) that increases in strength and frequency
Shortness of breath or wheezing, especially during exercise
Chest pain
Bronchitis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Aconite [Acon]
The sphere of Aconite in bronchitis is limited to the onset of the affection, and here it must be distinguished carefully from other remedies also suitable to this stage. When, as a result of checked perspiration, exposure to cold, drafts or dry, cold winds,a cold is taken starting in with a coryza, frequent sneezing, chilliness,restless sleep,full,hard pulse, and the characteristic mental condition, Aconite will come in,though its stage is a brief one is usually over before the physician sees the case. It is of use, therefore,only before the inflammation is localized. Dr. Pope says that Aconite will often prevent the development of a thorough bronchitis. If the cases are characterized by lassitude and physical weakness and indisposition with a full flowing pulse and moderate congestion, then Aconite is supplanted by Gelsemium. Often times it is difficult to determine which of these remedies is indicated, when Ferrum phosphoricum must be considered, and more especially so in the bronchitis of children,where it will often check the trouble. It stands therefore,midway between Aconite and Gelsemium, with less restlessness and bounding pulse than the former and less flowing pulse and drowsiness than the latter remedy. It corresponds to cases where every little cold adds to trouble, the cough is short and dry, the lungs are sore, and the breathing is somewhat oppressed. Veratrum viride suits violent cases from the first where there is high temperature, full,hard rapid pulse, and great heat of the body. It differs from Aconite in having no anxiety and no restlessness. When the arterial turgescence is over its period of usefulness is past.
#Belladonna [Bell]
Belladonna suits cases of bronchitis with a violent fever, short,dry, continual,distressing cough,worse at night and on lying down,where the breathing is irregular and hurried, no expectoration, or,if present,it is apt to be bloodstreaked, fulness in chest without any pain,though children will cry when coughing,the skin is hot and inclined to moisture,not dry like Aconite or Veratrum viride. There is a tendency to drowsiness, the patient does not sleep, but dozes in semiconscious manner and starts frequently. Do not be too great hurry a change to another remedy when the cough is spasmodic and the child cries after each paroxysm. Belladonna is still the remedy.
#Bryonia [Bry]
Probably this remedy is seldom indicated in pure bronchitis,though very frequently given. It is of especial good service when the cough is very severe, hurting the head and distant parts of the body. The patient presses the hands on the sides of the chest while coughing to relieve the pain. There is great pressure over the sternum,dyspnoea, and a dry cough,which seems to start from the stomach. It is worse after a meal and there is but little expectoration. The cough is more the result of an irritation in the larger bronchi than in the finger tubes, and the hacking produces sore spots in the trachea and chest. Stitching pains in the sides, of course, further indicate Bryonia. The cough is aggravated by coming into a warm room from the cold air. Hughes says that it is the best remedy after Aconite for what is known as a cold on the chest. If the expectoration becomes copious,loose,thick and muco-purulent, Pulsatilla may be indicated; if accompanied by nausea and vomiting of mucus, then give Ipecacuanha, especially bronchitis following measles and whooping cough, Chelidonium is an excellent medicine.
#Phosphorus [Phos]
Especially suitable to sub-acute and lingering cases in delicate, tall, slender, overgrown or phthisical subjects. It thus suits non- resistant individuals. There is a paroxysmal cough with pain under the sternum, suffocative pressure in the upper part of the chest with constriction of the larynx, hoarseness,mucous rales,bloody and mucous sputum or purulent, having a salty or sweetish taste; patient better after sleep. The respiration is embarrassed and the tendency is toward pneumonia. Rumex has a tickling in the supra-sternal fossa; any change in breathing causes cough; must breathe warm air to avoid coughing. With Phosphorus the cough is worse after meals, and a guiding symptom is soreness and rawness of the chest; the cough is also worse going into the open air, being the reverse of Bryonia. Talking, or any use of the voice, aggravates the cough. Hepar sulphur. When the cough begins to loosen and becomes rattling, fatiguing and choking , with moist rales, Hepar will be the remedy. "Coughing into a choke" is a valuable indication for this remedy. It corresponds more closely to subacute cases. It is particularly adapted to dyscrasias, herein differing from Pulsatilla. Kali carbonicum is also valuable in capillary bronchitis with dyspnoea,a choking cough, and sharp stitches in the chest. The 12x potency is perhaps the best.
#Mercurius [Merc]
The sovereign remedy in inflammatory bronchial catarrh; there is roughness and soreness from the fauces down through the middle of the chest, a dry, raw concussive cough, which is very exhausting ;sputum watery, saliva-like,or yellow and muco-purulent. There is fever and alternation of hills and heat, desire for cold drinks, which aggravate the cough. and pasty sweat without relief. Kali bichromicum has for its indication the tough,tenacious,glutinous character of the expectoration; it can be drawn out in long strings. Hughes considers it useful when bronchitis lingers long in a sub-acute condition. The expectoration may also be of bluish lumps, and the cough is especially troublesome towards morning , the tightness seems to be at the epigastrium.
#Antimonium tartaricum [Ant-t]
This remedy corresponds to two stages of bronchitis, an early one and a late one. In the beginning of capillary bronchitis in young infants, or in old people, this remedy stands most prominent. There are sub- crepitant rales throughout the chest, wheezing breathing, the cough sounds loose, but no phlegm is raised. In children the cough is infrequent, and the child becomes drowsy, the respiration is superficial, requiring labored efforts of the respiratory muscles, and vomiting of food and mucus may be present. In these cases carbon dioxide poisoning threatens, and the patient's own mucous secretion drown him. These are clear indication of Antimonium tartaricum. Ipecacuanha is the most similar drug; the rales are louder and coarser, there is much coughing, but the patient raises little phlegm of infants, the prostration not being as marked as with Antimonium tartaricum. There is great accumulation of mucus,spasmodic cough,nausea and vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. After its use the expectoration becomes less tenacious which permits it to be raised more easily. Baryta carbonica has loud rattling in the chest, but the patient cannot raise. Ammonium causticum has also a copious accumulation of mucus in the lungs with incessant cough. Another preparation of Antimony, namely, Antimonium iodatum, is praised by Goodno for a heavy, yellow, muco-purulent expectoration. It often acts promptly in relieving when other remedies fail. Antimonium arsenicosum is also a most useful remedy and corresponds to dangerous types of capillary bronchitis.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
Sulphur corresponds well to inveterate cases of chronic bronchitis, and brilliant results are here obtained. Its catarrh of the bronchial mucous membranes is accompanied with loud rales, a persistent, profuse, thick, muco-purulent expectoration and attended by suffocative attacks. Balsam Peru. Bronchial catarrh, with loud rales and profuse expectoration; both this remedy and Pix liquida have expectoration of purulent matter. Bacillinum is a remedy highly spoken of by some competent observers; it seems to suit especially individuals who are constantly catching cold, one is hardly gotten rid of before another is contracted. The irritation locates itself in the bronchial mucous membrane leaving troublesome cough. Arnulphy considers the remedy a most useful one.
#Carbo vegetabilis [Carb.v]
Bronchitis of old people with profuse, yellow, foetid expectoration, dyspnoea, much rattling in the chest, and burning calls for this remedy. Among other remedies suiting bronchial troubles in old people are Senega where the cough is irritating and the phlegm is especially adhesive and the patient complains of a pressing pain in the chest, when respiring, moving or coughing. Lachesis where the cough comes on when the patient is about to drop of to sleep; Arsenicum, fatiguing suffocative cough with violent dyspnoea; Scilla, obstinate chronic coughs with stitches in the chest, expectoration transparent or muco-purulent, easy at times, hard at others; Nux vomica, Rhus and Veratrum album. Dulcamara is a valuable remedy for bronchial catarrhs of old people with a very free greenish expectoration, worse from change of weather to cold and wet.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the part of the respiratory system that leads into the lungs. There are two types of bronchitis -- acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis usually appears after a respiratory infection, such as a cold, and can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Chronic bronchitis does not have a sudden onset and is most frequently caused by long term irritation of the bronchial tubes. A case if bronchitis is considered "chronic" if symptoms continue for three months or longer. (Chronic bronchitis is a type of COPD.) Bronchitis caused by allergies can also be classified as chronic bronchitis.
Symptoms and signs of acute bronchitis
Symptoms usually commence during epidemics of colds or influenza. They are frequently first noticed in the upper airways and are characterised by mucus drainage from sinuses, a burning throat and a general feeling of ill health. There may also be a raised temperature. A dry cough may herald the onset of bronchitis and this may be followed within hours to days by the production of small amounts of white and eventually yellow sputum. You may experience discomfort over the main airways (trachea or large bronchi), which will be accentuated by coughing or wheezing.
Symptoms of chronic bronchitis
Symptoms may not be immediately obvious for chronic bronchitis. They include:
Chronic productive cough (a cough that produces mucus) that increases in strength and frequency
Shortness of breath or wheezing, especially during exercise
Chest pain
Bronchitis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Aconite [Acon]
The sphere of Aconite in bronchitis is limited to the onset of the affection, and here it must be distinguished carefully from other remedies also suitable to this stage. When, as a result of checked perspiration, exposure to cold, drafts or dry, cold winds,a cold is taken starting in with a coryza, frequent sneezing, chilliness,restless sleep,full,hard pulse, and the characteristic mental condition, Aconite will come in,though its stage is a brief one is usually over before the physician sees the case. It is of use, therefore,only before the inflammation is localized. Dr. Pope says that Aconite will often prevent the development of a thorough bronchitis. If the cases are characterized by lassitude and physical weakness and indisposition with a full flowing pulse and moderate congestion, then Aconite is supplanted by Gelsemium. Often times it is difficult to determine which of these remedies is indicated, when Ferrum phosphoricum must be considered, and more especially so in the bronchitis of children,where it will often check the trouble. It stands therefore,midway between Aconite and Gelsemium, with less restlessness and bounding pulse than the former and less flowing pulse and drowsiness than the latter remedy. It corresponds to cases where every little cold adds to trouble, the cough is short and dry, the lungs are sore, and the breathing is somewhat oppressed. Veratrum viride suits violent cases from the first where there is high temperature, full,hard rapid pulse, and great heat of the body. It differs from Aconite in having no anxiety and no restlessness. When the arterial turgescence is over its period of usefulness is past.
#Belladonna [Bell]
Belladonna suits cases of bronchitis with a violent fever, short,dry, continual,distressing cough,worse at night and on lying down,where the breathing is irregular and hurried, no expectoration, or,if present,it is apt to be bloodstreaked, fulness in chest without any pain,though children will cry when coughing,the skin is hot and inclined to moisture,not dry like Aconite or Veratrum viride. There is a tendency to drowsiness, the patient does not sleep, but dozes in semiconscious manner and starts frequently. Do not be too great hurry a change to another remedy when the cough is spasmodic and the child cries after each paroxysm. Belladonna is still the remedy.
#Bryonia [Bry]
Probably this remedy is seldom indicated in pure bronchitis,though very frequently given. It is of especial good service when the cough is very severe, hurting the head and distant parts of the body. The patient presses the hands on the sides of the chest while coughing to relieve the pain. There is great pressure over the sternum,dyspnoea, and a dry cough,which seems to start from the stomach. It is worse after a meal and there is but little expectoration. The cough is more the result of an irritation in the larger bronchi than in the finger tubes, and the hacking produces sore spots in the trachea and chest. Stitching pains in the sides, of course, further indicate Bryonia. The cough is aggravated by coming into a warm room from the cold air. Hughes says that it is the best remedy after Aconite for what is known as a cold on the chest. If the expectoration becomes copious,loose,thick and muco-purulent, Pulsatilla may be indicated; if accompanied by nausea and vomiting of mucus, then give Ipecacuanha, especially bronchitis following measles and whooping cough, Chelidonium is an excellent medicine.
#Phosphorus [Phos]
Especially suitable to sub-acute and lingering cases in delicate, tall, slender, overgrown or phthisical subjects. It thus suits non- resistant individuals. There is a paroxysmal cough with pain under the sternum, suffocative pressure in the upper part of the chest with constriction of the larynx, hoarseness,mucous rales,bloody and mucous sputum or purulent, having a salty or sweetish taste; patient better after sleep. The respiration is embarrassed and the tendency is toward pneumonia. Rumex has a tickling in the supra-sternal fossa; any change in breathing causes cough; must breathe warm air to avoid coughing. With Phosphorus the cough is worse after meals, and a guiding symptom is soreness and rawness of the chest; the cough is also worse going into the open air, being the reverse of Bryonia. Talking, or any use of the voice, aggravates the cough. Hepar sulphur. When the cough begins to loosen and becomes rattling, fatiguing and choking , with moist rales, Hepar will be the remedy. "Coughing into a choke" is a valuable indication for this remedy. It corresponds more closely to subacute cases. It is particularly adapted to dyscrasias, herein differing from Pulsatilla. Kali carbonicum is also valuable in capillary bronchitis with dyspnoea,a choking cough, and sharp stitches in the chest. The 12x potency is perhaps the best.
#Mercurius [Merc]
The sovereign remedy in inflammatory bronchial catarrh; there is roughness and soreness from the fauces down through the middle of the chest, a dry, raw concussive cough, which is very exhausting ;sputum watery, saliva-like,or yellow and muco-purulent. There is fever and alternation of hills and heat, desire for cold drinks, which aggravate the cough. and pasty sweat without relief. Kali bichromicum has for its indication the tough,tenacious,glutinous character of the expectoration; it can be drawn out in long strings. Hughes considers it useful when bronchitis lingers long in a sub-acute condition. The expectoration may also be of bluish lumps, and the cough is especially troublesome towards morning , the tightness seems to be at the epigastrium.
#Antimonium tartaricum [Ant-t]
This remedy corresponds to two stages of bronchitis, an early one and a late one. In the beginning of capillary bronchitis in young infants, or in old people, this remedy stands most prominent. There are sub- crepitant rales throughout the chest, wheezing breathing, the cough sounds loose, but no phlegm is raised. In children the cough is infrequent, and the child becomes drowsy, the respiration is superficial, requiring labored efforts of the respiratory muscles, and vomiting of food and mucus may be present. In these cases carbon dioxide poisoning threatens, and the patient's own mucous secretion drown him. These are clear indication of Antimonium tartaricum. Ipecacuanha is the most similar drug; the rales are louder and coarser, there is much coughing, but the patient raises little phlegm of infants, the prostration not being as marked as with Antimonium tartaricum. There is great accumulation of mucus,spasmodic cough,nausea and vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. After its use the expectoration becomes less tenacious which permits it to be raised more easily. Baryta carbonica has loud rattling in the chest, but the patient cannot raise. Ammonium causticum has also a copious accumulation of mucus in the lungs with incessant cough. Another preparation of Antimony, namely, Antimonium iodatum, is praised by Goodno for a heavy, yellow, muco-purulent expectoration. It often acts promptly in relieving when other remedies fail. Antimonium arsenicosum is also a most useful remedy and corresponds to dangerous types of capillary bronchitis.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
Sulphur corresponds well to inveterate cases of chronic bronchitis, and brilliant results are here obtained. Its catarrh of the bronchial mucous membranes is accompanied with loud rales, a persistent, profuse, thick, muco-purulent expectoration and attended by suffocative attacks. Balsam Peru. Bronchial catarrh, with loud rales and profuse expectoration; both this remedy and Pix liquida have expectoration of purulent matter. Bacillinum is a remedy highly spoken of by some competent observers; it seems to suit especially individuals who are constantly catching cold, one is hardly gotten rid of before another is contracted. The irritation locates itself in the bronchial mucous membrane leaving troublesome cough. Arnulphy considers the remedy a most useful one.
#Carbo vegetabilis [Carb.v]
Bronchitis of old people with profuse, yellow, foetid expectoration, dyspnoea, much rattling in the chest, and burning calls for this remedy. Among other remedies suiting bronchial troubles in old people are Senega where the cough is irritating and the phlegm is especially adhesive and the patient complains of a pressing pain in the chest, when respiring, moving or coughing. Lachesis where the cough comes on when the patient is about to drop of to sleep; Arsenicum, fatiguing suffocative cough with violent dyspnoea; Scilla, obstinate chronic coughs with stitches in the chest, expectoration transparent or muco-purulent, easy at times, hard at others; Nux vomica, Rhus and Veratrum album. Dulcamara is a valuable remedy for bronchial catarrhs of old people with a very free greenish expectoration, worse from change of weather to cold and wet.
BOILS, Skin abscess
BOILS, Skin abscess
A boil, also referred to as a skin abscess, is a localized infection deep in the skin. A boil generally starts as a reddened, tender area. Over time, the area becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells that the body sends from the blood stream to eradicate the infection. This collection of white blood cells, bacteria, and proteins is known as pus. Finally, the pus "forms a head," which can be surgically opened or spontaneously drain out through the surface of the skin.
Boils, skin abscess - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Belladonna [Bell]
In boils with much swelling and redness Belladonna is the remedy to be used in the early stages. Boils recurring in the spring also indicate the remedy. Arnica produces a crop of boils all over, beginning with soreness, go on to suppuration, and another crop follows. When the boils partially mature and shrivel up Arnica is the remedy indicated. Calcarea picrata has achieved a clinical reputation in boils.
#Silicea [Sil]
This is a great boil remedy, and, in conjunction with Hepar sulphuris, prescribed for the general indications of abscess will cover many cases. It is a remedy to prevent boils. It produces inflammation of the connective tissue, and following the boil will be a plastic indurated and often inflamed lump, which Silicea will remove. Calcarea sulphurica is also a remedy to remove the tumefaction of boils. Arsenicum and Carbo vegetabilis come in boils of a low adynamic type.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
This remedy produces a tendency to boils and is applicable to scrofulous persons. Hughes recommends a course of Sulphur 12. Phytolacca is said to be specific in boils. Lycopodium. Evans says the trinity of remedies for boils is Belladonna, Arnica and Lycopodium. Berberis vulgaris hastens suppuration in boils and prevents their recurrence. Anthracinum is recommended by Clarke for succession of boils, with no other symptoms to guide. Arctium lappa and Echinacea are excellent remedies with which to break up the "boil habit". In the latter remedy profound prostration is an indication.
A boil, also referred to as a skin abscess, is a localized infection deep in the skin. A boil generally starts as a reddened, tender area. Over time, the area becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells that the body sends from the blood stream to eradicate the infection. This collection of white blood cells, bacteria, and proteins is known as pus. Finally, the pus "forms a head," which can be surgically opened or spontaneously drain out through the surface of the skin.
Boils, skin abscess - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Belladonna [Bell]
In boils with much swelling and redness Belladonna is the remedy to be used in the early stages. Boils recurring in the spring also indicate the remedy. Arnica produces a crop of boils all over, beginning with soreness, go on to suppuration, and another crop follows. When the boils partially mature and shrivel up Arnica is the remedy indicated. Calcarea picrata has achieved a clinical reputation in boils.
#Silicea [Sil]
This is a great boil remedy, and, in conjunction with Hepar sulphuris, prescribed for the general indications of abscess will cover many cases. It is a remedy to prevent boils. It produces inflammation of the connective tissue, and following the boil will be a plastic indurated and often inflamed lump, which Silicea will remove. Calcarea sulphurica is also a remedy to remove the tumefaction of boils. Arsenicum and Carbo vegetabilis come in boils of a low adynamic type.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
This remedy produces a tendency to boils and is applicable to scrofulous persons. Hughes recommends a course of Sulphur 12. Phytolacca is said to be specific in boils. Lycopodium. Evans says the trinity of remedies for boils is Belladonna, Arnica and Lycopodium. Berberis vulgaris hastens suppuration in boils and prevents their recurrence. Anthracinum is recommended by Clarke for succession of boils, with no other symptoms to guide. Arctium lappa and Echinacea are excellent remedies with which to break up the "boil habit". In the latter remedy profound prostration is an indication.
Arteriosclerosis {ahr-tir-ee-oh-skluh-roh'-sis} is a term used to describe several diseases that involve the cardiovascular system and the many arteries and vessels which make it up. Atherosclerosis invades both the superficial and deep layers of the vessel walls. Arteriosclerosis is often referred to as "hardening of the arteries."
Arteriosclerosis occurs over a period of many years during which the arteries of the cardiovascular system develop areas which become hard and brittle. Vessels become thickened. There is a loss of elasticity. It can involve the arteries of the cardiovascular system, the brain, kidneys, upper and lower extremities. This occurs because of the deposition of calcium in their walls.
Arteriosclerosis differs from atherosclerosis, which involves the buildup of fatty deposits in the innermost lining of large and medium-sized arteries. Atherosclerosis often leads to coronary heart disease, strokes, and other disorders because of the occurrence of blood clots which form in the narrowed arteries; hardening of the arteries, on the other hand occur only in advanced stages.
Arteriosclerosis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Baryta muriatica [Bry]
This drug produces lesions of arteriosclerosis of the large blood vessels and aorta, similar to senile atheroma. It would be difficult to find a drug having closer resemblances to the phenomena of arterio- sclerosis than Baryta muriatica. It has the headache which is more or less severe, but which is rather a heaviness, worse at night when lying down. Dizziness of old people. Apoplexy or threatened apoplexy, with buzzing in the ears. It should be given for a long pulmonary arterio- sclerosis. It should be given for a long time. The strengths recommended are the 3, 6 s 30th. Dr. Askenstsedt, of Louisville, Ky;, has obtained excellent results with the remedy. Baryta carbonica is sometimes used, but we believe better results will follow the use of the muriate. It should not be forgotten in aortitis and especially aortic aneurism. Here is our mainstay.
#Arnica [Arn]
This is a remedy of value in cerebral arteriosclerosis,vertigo of the aged, heaviness and cerebral affections, plethoric people who have a tendency to haemorrhages.
#Plumbum [Plumb]
Hypertension and arterio-sclerosis. It seems to suit rather the pre- sclerotic states than those of actual sclerosis, which latter are naturally unattackable by any drug. It has a cramp like constriction of the peripheral arteries, a wiry pulse, and especially if the symptoms be associated with a chronic nephritis it is all the more indicated. Patient feels the pulse in the fingers. Slight motion causes fainting. Dr.Donner, of Stuttgart, says,"I give Plumbum frequently in arterio- sclerosis in the higher dilutions. I am no friend of high dilutions, but with this remedy I have seen wonderful results follow its use, especially in cases complicated with granular kidneys." He uses the 30th dilution. It suits the anaemic, pale, emaciated patients with extreme weakness which is the plumbum constitution. Aconite. High tension is reduced by this remedy.
#Aurum muriaticum [Aur-m]
This is the most decided beneficial remedy in this affection says Dr. Gisevius, of Berlin. He uses it in the 4th potency . It is indicated by hypertrophy of the heart, congestion to the chest and head,strong palpitation. Paraesthesias about the heart, stitches and heaviness. It corresponds well with ;old age and if the characteristic mental symptoms of Aurum are present it will help promptly. It seems to have a special affinity to the arteries of the head. It is probably more useful than Aurum iodatum; both are powerful, deep-acting drugs.
#Ergotin [Ergot]
In ergot poisoning the arterial walls ares degenerated and stiffened there is a spasmodic contraction of the vessels, the heart's action is increased and the cost of the vessels ares hardened. In the beginning of arterio-sclerosis when only the cardiac irritation and the hard heart sounds are present Ergotin 3x or 6x is the chief remedy. In more progressive forms with endarteritic processes in the heart and arteries of the head, the 2x and 1x triturations are to be preferred. A curative action is frequently had in these cases,. It corresponds to and should be used especially in early cases.
#Natrum iodatum [Nat-i]
Is useful in high arterial pressure in the 1x, especially in the beginning, and later in the 3x an 4x when the pulses is softer, arterio-sclerosis with angina pectoris, vertigo and dyspnoea. All the iodides are useful. Baryta iodide, Kali iodides and Strontium iodide produces arterio- sclerotic changes. Arsenicum iodatum is very useful in senile hearts with aortitis, myocarditis and fatty degeneration. Amyl nitrite and Glonoine are palliative remedies in this affection.
#Strophanthus [Stroph]
Senile arterio-sclerosis, fatty degeneration, failing compensation, tendency to dropsical accumulations.
#Adrenalin [Adren]
This medicine has been used successfully by the Dr.jousset father and son, given in the 3rd, 6th, and 12th centesimal dilutions in high arterial blood pressure and in arterio-sclerosis. The most favorable results have been produced. Long use of Adrenalin can lead to arterial and aortic lesions. Not so when given in the strengths above mentioned. Roaring in the ears due to high blood pressure is often benefited by this remedy.
#Crataegus [Crat]
This remedy is claimed to have a wonderful solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the lumen of the arteries, and will in arterio-sclerotic subjects prolong life. Heart troubles after acute rheumatism.
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a finger-like glandular piece of tissue that connects to the beginning of the large intestine, usually at the lower right side of the abdomen. In older children, the classic symptoms of appendicitis are abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. Abdominal pain usually begins in the center of the abdomen, around the area of the navel ("belly button"). Later, the pain may move downward and to the right - to an area called McBurney's point, roughly corresponding to the location of the appendix in the lower right portion of the abdomen.
After his abdominal pain begins, a child with appendicitis usually develops a slight fever, loses his appetite, feels nauseous, and may vomit. The fact that abdominal pain begins before nausea and vomiting, rather than after, is one clue to suspect appendicitis rather than an intestinal infection.
Other symptoms that may be seen in older children with appendicitis include: diarrhea (usually small stools with mucus); urinary tract symptoms (urinating very frequently and/or an uncomfortably strong urge to urinate); constipation; and, sometimes, respiratory symptoms.
Appendicitis - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Belladonna [Bell]
In the early stages of this affection where there is severe pain in the ileo-caecal region, where the slightest touch cannot be borne,and patient lies on back,this remedy will be found most useful. It corresponds to the pain, the vomiting , the paralysis of the intestine. It comes in after the chill of the Aconite stage has passed off and the inflammation has localized itself. Much pain contra-indicates Aconite. Ferrum phosphoricum and Kali muriaticum have proved themselves clinically in inflammation about the ileo-caecal region and their indications rest on clinical grounds only. Belladonna is especially useful in catarrhal and recurring cases.
#Bryonia [Bry]
As in all inflammations about serous membranes, Bryonia will here find a place. It has throbbing and sharp stitching pains confined to a limited spot and the patient is constipated. The ileo-caecal region is very sore and sensitive to touch. Any movement is painful and the patient lies perfectly still and on the painful side. The febrile disturbance of the drug will be present. Mercurius being Homoeopathic inflammation of the mucous membranes deserves consideration, especially has it hard swelling, fever, flushed face,red,dry tongue, etc.
#Arsenicum [Ars]
When the condition points to sepsis Arsenicum may be the remedy. There are chills, hectic symptoms, diarrhoea and restlessness,and sudden sinking of strength. It relieves vomiting in these conditions more quickly than any other remedy. Dr.Mitchell finds it more often indicated in appendicitis than Mercurius corrosivus, which may also be a useful remedy. Arnica is a remedy suiting septic cases and it should be employed after operations.
#Rhus toxicodendron [Rhus.t]
This remedy, with its great correspondence to septic troubles may be required, and may be indicated by its peculiar symptoms; locally, took it has extensive swelling over the ileo-caecal region and great pain, causing an incessant restlessness. Dr.Cartier, of Paris, recommends Rhus radicans 6. in appendicitis of influenza origin at the onset. Hepar has a deep-seated induration and Dioscorea has proved a valuable, remedy when the pain is constant, the patient never being entirely free from pain. One observer claims Dioscorea to be as important a remedy in appendicitis as is Bryonia in hepatitis. It indications are bowels filled with gas and griping, twisting pains. It may be given in hot water. It is a far more inflammatory remedy than Colocynth, deeper acting, and its paroxysmal pains are an indication. Echinacea, it is claimed, has acted brilliantly in septic appendicitis; the tincture, 1X and 3x are the strengths used. No indications except septic condition; tiredness is characteristic.
#Lachesis [Lach]
This is also a valuable remedy; its great characteristics of sensitiveness all over the abdomen, and stitching from the seat of the inflammation backward and downward to the thighs, will indicate it in this disease. The patient lies on the back with knees drawn up, and other general Lachesis symptoms present. Plumbum has a tense swelling in the ileo-caecal region, painful to touch and on movement; the abdominal walls are retracted, there are eructations of gas and vomiting and both have a faecal odor. Ignatia is the remedy for the nervous symptoms of the disease, and to be used in cases where operation has been performed and no relief has resulted; also in those who become exceeding nervous from any abdominal pain. Undoubtedly many cases of simple colic ares diagnosed as appendicitis and operated upon. Therefore, purely colic remedies as Colocynth and Magnesia phosphorica should be studied. The foregoing remedies will be found the most commonly indicated any may be used in both operable and non-operable cases as well as in conjunction with the meritorious ;oil treatment of the disease advocated by Dr.M.O.Terry, formerl
Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder affecting mainly girls or women, although boys or men can also suffer from it. It usually starts in the teenage years.
Anorexia nervosa - CAUSE
The cause of anorexia nervosa is unknown, although it is likely that both inherent biological factors and factors in the patient's social environment play a part. The disease is mainly encountered in the western world and is more common among women in certain professions, such as models and ballet dancers. Puberty, deaths in the family and other life stresses are all believed to be potential triggers of anorexia.
Anorexia nervosa - SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
Weight loss of at least 15 per cent below the normal ideal body weight for a person of the same age and height.
Cessation of periods or delayed development in puberty.
Self-induced weight loss. Methods can include fasting, low food intake, excessive exercise, diuretic medicines (medicines that make you urinate more) laxatives, diet pills or vomiting. Sometimes people make themselves sick to lose weight. Others take excessive exercise.
Sufferers have a constant fear of gaining weight, as well as a feeling of being fat, even when their weight is much less than that of other people of the same height.
Sufferers may feel bloated, even after a small meal.
They may lose interest in socialising with friends.
Other side effects include tiredness, feeling cold, constipation and stomachache.
Some patients also develop additional disorders such as bulimia.
Anorexia nervosa - HOW DIAGNOSIS IS DONE?
Body weight is maintained at least 15 per cent below that expected for a person's height.
It is self-induced weight loss caused by avoiding fattening foods and may involve taking excessive exercise, using laxatives or diuretics or self-induced vomiting.
There is a strong, almost overwhelming fear of putting on weight, with sufferers preoccupied with the shape or size of their bodies.
Rules are invented regarding how much food is allowed and how much exercise is needed after eating certain amounts of food.
Those suffering from anorexia pursue a very low 'ideal' weight.
The weight loss may cause hormonal disturbances and women with anorexia nervosa may stop having periods.
Homeopathic medicines are known to have deep effect on human economy and have been found effective in various psychological and devlopmental disorders. The focus of homeopathy is not to treat the isolated symptoms of Anorexia but to treat the child as a whole. Not only the symptoms of Anorexia but also the general physical and mental constitution of the patient, past medical history, medical history of parents, information about pregnancy and vaccination - all are used to find the probable cause in a given case and based on the final analysis a remedy is chosen for a patient. The following medicines may help in the treatment of Anorexia:
Treatments used include individual psychological therapy, family therapy and drug therapy using antidepressants.
Join some support groups and get the disorder treated at the earliest.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed, McGraw-Hill
Davidson's Principles and Practise of Medicine, 17th ed, 1996, Churchill Livingstone
New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, William Boericke, 2nd revised ed., 2001, B. Jain
Angina is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when your heart muscle does not get enough blood. Angina may feel like pressure or a squeezing pain in your chest. The pain may also occur in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back. It may also feel like indigestion.
Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease (CAD), the most common type of heart disease. CAD occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries. This buildup of plaque is called atherosclerosis. As plaque builds up, the coronary arteries become narrow and stiff. Blood flow to the heart is reduced. This decreases the oxygen supply to the heart muscle.
Angina - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Amyl nitrite [Aml-n]
In acute attacks of this disease Amyl nitrite is usually the remedy given, and it is given by olfaction of the crude substance, Its action is to produces a speedy dilation of the capillaries in the upper part of the body, the face becomes flushed, the heart's action is rapid and tumultuous, there is a feeling as of a band around the head, constriction about the heart and oppressed breathing. It is very useful in relieving the paroxysm, and if the symptoms correspond it will be found useful at other times. Aconite is especially useful during a attack of vaso-motor angina from exposures to cold, with intense anxiety. Coldness pain radiating from head in all directions, with numbness, tingling, paraesthesia.
#Glonoine [Glon]
or Nitro glycerine is a very similar remedy. It has been proved and its action is fairly well known. Its grand characteristic is throbbing all over the body in every vessel, a feeling of fulness in region of heart, and perhaps sharp pains radiating in all directions from heart, labored breathing, and fluttering of the heart, it feels contracted. Arsenicum has also proved useful especially in preventing the paroxysms.
#Crataegus [Crat]
Sudden, terrible pain in the left breast, radiating over the heart and down left arm, despondent and fearful of death. Use tincture in water, frequent doses.
#Cimicifuga [Cimic]
Has pains radiating all over the chest and a sensation as if the left arm were bound to the side The patient may become unconscious;us, the heart's action suddenly ceases, there is a sense of impending suffocation,l and the pulse is weak and feeble. Kalmia has shooting pains above the heart to the scapula, anguish about heart, pressure form epigastrium to heart. Kali carbonicum has stitches from heart to scapula and there is great weakness. Magnesia phosphorica 6x in hot water will frequently greatly relieve the paroxysms of angina and lessen their duration. It has contraction of the chest with pains radiating from the heart in all directions. Aurum produces a pressure on sternum as from a heavy weight.
#Spigelia [Sep]
Is a useful remedy in anguishing substernal pain which radiates to neck and arms, irregular pulse, tendency to syncope, palpitation and sharp stitches in heart, pulse weak and irregular, or full and bounding with aggravation from the least motion. Cuprum has a slow pulse, and clinically it has proved useful in angina, where there is an uneasy feeling about the heart. In cases ;of "tobacco heart," or uneasy pains about the heart due to tobacco, Nux vomica, Staphisagria and Tabacum have proved useful. Tabacum 3x has cured cases of angina pectoris in patients with arterio-sclerosis. Especially useful in anginas caused by tobacco also in the intermittent hearts of the aged. If organic disease of the heat be present as a cause of the angina, Cactus may be the remedy when the grasp of the "iron hand" is present. Arnica has a sudden pain in the heart as if squeezed and pain in left arm and left arm and left chest. If the sore, bruised feeling be present the choice is easy. An other remedy to be thought of in tobacco heart is Kalmia. a numbness of the right hand and arm should suggest Lilium, which is an excellent remedy in heart troubles. Latrodectus mactans deserves to be studied, as it has worked well in many cases.
sickle cell anemia
pernicious anemia
iron deficiency
anemia treatment
cause of anemia
Anemia is a lower than normal number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the blood, usually measured by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the red pigment in red blood cells that transports oxygen.
Although there are many different forms of anemia, the most common are: iron-deficiency anemia, vitamin B12 anemia and folic acid deficiency. Anemias can also be caused by such conditions as external bleeding, chronic disease, pregnancy, alcoholism, bleeding disorders, infection and hereditary conditions.
Types of anemia
* Anemia due to B12 deficiency
* Anemia due to folate deficiency
* Anemia due to iron deficiency
* Hemolytic anemia
* Hemolytic anemia due to G-6-PD deficiency
* Idiopathic aplastic anemia
* Idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia
* Immune hemolytic anemia
* Megaloblastic anemia
* Pernicious anemia
* Secondary aplastic anemia
* Sickle cell anemia
Causes of Anemia
The cause varies with the type of anemia. Potential causes include blood loss, poor diet, many diseases, medication reactions, and various problems with the bone marrow, where blood cells are made. Iron deficiency anemia is most common in women who have heavy menstrual periods. Risk factors include heavy periods, pregnancy, older age, and diseases that cause anemia.
Signs and Symptoms of Anemia
The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia (if any) are:
Chest pains (in severe cases)
Shortness of breath (in severe cases)
Heart palpitations (in severe cases)
An increased heart rate especially during exertion (in severe cases)
Rapid breathing
Low blood pressure
The symptoms of vitamin B12 anemia can also cause:
Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
Equilibrium difficulties
Personality changes and depression
Anemia - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Ferrum metallicum [Ferr]
Iron is the great allopathic remedy for anaemia from almost any cause. It is also a great homoeopathic remedy, but it will not cure every case of anaemia; careful individualization is necessary. When the patient has an appearance of full bloodedness or plethora, which is followed by paleness or earthiness of the face and puffiness of the extremities, then Ferrum will benefit. It is not the remedy for the anaemia resulting from loss of fluids; that is Cinchona, or perhaps Natrum muriaticum. When Ferrum is indicated the mucous membranes are pale, more so than with Cinchona, and there is apt to be an anaemia murmur in the veins of the neck. The patient is easily exhausted. Vomiting of food after eating may occur. The patient is constantly chilly and perhaps has an afternoon or evening fever simulating hectic fever. In very stubborn cases sometimes Ferrum phosphoricum may serve better than Ferrum metallicum. Schuessler recommends first Calcarea phosphorica, then Ferrum phosphoricum. In simple, uncomplicated chlorosis Ferrum is one of our best remedies. Hughes recommends Ferrum redactum 1x or 2X. Ludlam praises Ferrum et strychnia citrate 3X, Dr.Jousset, Ferrum aceticum or the Ferrum protoxalate, and Dr.Holcombe. of New Orleans, used Ferrum phosphoricum. All these preparations of Iron may benefit cases of anaemia and chlorosis; if so, it is by virtue of their similarity to the symptoms of the case, and not because one or the other preparation of Iron is a tonic in the allopathic sense. By giving the indicated preparation of Iron it removes the underlying dyscrasia giving rise to the anaemic or chlorotic conditions and cures the trouble.
#Pulsatilla [Puls]
Pulsatilla is the great antidote to Iron, and hence is indicated in the anaemic condition produced by large or continued doses of it. The system is relaxed and worn out; the patient is chilly and suffers from gastric and menstrual derangements. Thus the symptoms resemble closely those calling for Ferrum. The cause of the anaemia must be sought for, and if the case comes from allopathic hands it is safe to infer that much Iron has been given and Pulsatilla will surely be the remedy. The Pulsatilla patient feels better in the open air. Dizziness on rising, absence of thirst, and the peculiar disposition will lead to the remedy. Cyclamen, which is similar in many respects, differ from Pulsatilla in dreading the fresh air. Cinchona is the chief remedy for anaemia resulting from loss of fluids,as in lactation or haemorrhage, or from all exhausting discharges, such as menstrual flow, long-lasting diarrhoea, and sexual excesses and loss of semen. The quality of the blood is actually poorer in cases calling for Cinchona. Special symptoms are heaviness of the head, loss of sight,fainting and ringing in the ears, pale sallow complexion, sour belching, poor digestion and bloated abdomen. The patient is sensitive to draughts of air yet wants to be fanned. Dr. George Royal thinks many physicians err in giving Cinchona too low in symptomatic anaemia when much time has elapsed since the drain was made on the system. He finds the 30th. productive of better results than the lower preparations. NATrum muriaticum is also a remedy for anaemic and debilitated conditions due to loss of fluids, especially in women who suffer from menstrual disorders and in chronic cases with a dead, dirty-looking skin. Chininum arsenicosum is sometimes prescribed for anaemia, not, however, on the totality ;of the symptoms, but because it is said to be "good for it." It has been found curative in certain cases ;of pernicious anaemia. Acetic acid suits anaemic nursing women, with waxy skin, and thirst.
#Calcarea carbonica [Calc]
Almost any of the deeper acting constitutional remedies may be of use in anaemic and debilitated conditions, and especially are the Calcareas useful. Thus we have Calcarea phosphorica as the remedy for the "green sickness," chlorosis of young girls, with a complexion like wax, alabaster lips and ears, a bright eye, and when they smile or laugh it is a sickly one. The face sometimes has a true greenish hue or a sallow one. In such cases the menses are apt to be too early and then calcarea phosphorica is well indicated for this condition. Calcarea carbonica is indicated by the psoric, scrofulous or tubercular diathesis and the general symptoms of the drug, by disgust for meat, craving for sour and indigestible things, swelling of abdomen, vertigo and palpitation ;on going upstairs. The patient is in a state of worry. Constantly imagining calamities. Alumina is also a remedy for chlorosis due to the scrofulous diathesis and from improper nourishment, such as occurs in some children brought up on artificial foods. Nux vomica, too, may be indicated in anaemic conditions when due to gastro-intestinal derangements. Plumbum has been recommended for inveterate chlorosis with obstinate constipation. Alumina also, being an antipsoric, is the remedy for anaemic conditions about puberty, with abnormal craving for indigestible substances, such as slate pencils, chalk, etc.
#Arsenicum [Ars]
This being a direct poison to the red blood corpuscles takes first rank in cases of pernicious anaemia or in anaemias due to a malarial of ;toxic influence. Dr.Blackley, of England, reported four cases of pernicious anaemia cured with small doses of the remedy. It does not correspond to simple anaemias so well. It indications are excessive prostration considerable oedema, violent and irregular palpitation,marked appetite for acids and brandy, extreme anxiety and rapid emaciation . There is irritable stomach and intense thirst. When the allopathic school uses Arsenic as a blood tonic, and Dr.Bartholow says, "it is one of the most valuable remedies in the treatment of chlorosis and anaemia," it does so on strictly Homoeopathic principles. Picric acid. The extreme prostration of pernicious anaemia, with a heavy tired feeling all over the body, burning pains along the spine and aggravation from excitement indicate this remedy.
#Helonias [Helon]
An excellent remedy in anaemia and chlorosis. It suits especially anaemia from prolonged haemorrhage in women enervated by indolence and luxury, or such as are worn out with hard work; they are too tired to sleep and the strained muscles burn and ache A characteristic modality is that the patient is better when the attention is engaged, hence better when the doctor comes. This anaemia is associated with disturbances in the urinary and sexual organs. Tired,anaemic, backachey females need Helonias, "It is one of the best blood makers that we have." (E. G. Jones.)
#Aletris [Alet]
Chlorosis. "The China of the uterine organs." (Hale.) Tired dull, heavy,confused. Debility of females from protracted illness; no organic disease. Power and energy of mind and body are weakened.
#Secale [Sec]
This remedy produces a progressives general anaemia. It is shown by the peculiar cachexia of anaemia, pale, bloodless, jaundiced color. By its effect on the blood corpuscles it produces a general anaemia, threatening not only the life of a part, but vitiating the whole life of the bodily economy. It is a sort of a mechanical anaemia.
#Natrum muriaticum [Nat-m]
This is one of our best remedies in anaemic conditions. There is paleness, and, in spite of the fact that the patient eats well, there is emaciation. There are attacks of throbbing headache and dyspnoea, especially on going up stairs, constipation ands depression of spirits, and consolation aggravates. With these symptoms there is much palpitation, fluttering and intermittent action of the heart. The hypochondriasis in these cases is marked. Scanty menstruation is frequently an indicating symptom. Kali carbonicum is one of the most important remedies in anaemia, weak heart, sweats backache, especially with female complaints.
Amenorrhea means the absence of the menstrual period. Apart from during childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause, the absence of the menstrual period may indicate a problem with the reproductive system. One of the most common causes of amenorrhea is hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events, including diseases of the reproductive organs, weight loss, emotional stress or overexercising. Frequently, there is no worrying cause found.
AMENORRHEA - Treatment & Homeopathic Medicines
#Pulsatilla [Puls]
Comes first to mind as the homoeopathic remedy for menstrual suppression. It is indicated where the menses flow by fits and starts, or when the suppression is due to wetting of the feet; also, in delayed first menses in chlorotic girls. It must be carefully distinguished from Dulcamara, which has menses suppressed from getting the feet wet, but whose temperament is not that of Pulsatilla. Bayes remarks that in amenorrhoea with anaemia "great judgment is required in the selection of the dilution, which ought to vary from the 30th to the 1st, according to the sensitiveness of the patient, " Jahr ranks Sulphur with Pulsatilla for insufficient pale menstruation. The Pulsatilla patient is disinclined to exertion, with poor appetite and longing for acids,is apt to faint easily and suffers from a tremulous anxiety. Senecio is useful also in amenorrhoea with chlorosis.
#Calcarea carbonic [Calc]
This remedy is also, like Pulsatilla, indicated in amenorrhoea when the first menses are delayed, but with Calcarea there is apt to result congestion to the head or chest, giving rise to lung troubles. It is typically indicated in fleshy, scrofulous girls with fair complexion, perspiring easily about the head and subject to acidity of the stomach. Menstrual suppression in those decidedly scrofulous, or with lung affection, especially indicates Calcarea. Belladonna has menstrual suppression with congestion to the head, but its chief use is in amenorrhoea appearing suddenly due to cold, with bearing down and throbbing pains in the hypogastrium and painful urination. Gelsemium. Here the drowsy apathetic state is prominent and neuralgic pains of the head and face accompany. Glonoine. Intense throbbing of head and albuminous urine occurring when the menses do not appear. It will act promptly if at all. If the menses are suppressed from fright, Aconite, Actea spicata and Lycopodium must be thought of. Opium and Veratrum also have this symptoms. Further symptoms indicating Calcarea in amenorrhoea are palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea worse ascending, cold damp feet, etc. Lilium tigrinum. Of use when amenorrhoea causes, by reflex action, heart symptoms.
#Ferrum metallicum [Ferr-m]
This is another useful remedy for delayed first menses where there is debility, languor, palpitation, sickly complexion and puffiness about the ankles. It corresponds to weakly, chlorotic women with flushed face, or pale and livid with blue margins about the eyes. It is especially useful in those who have been dosed with quinine and nervines.
#Sepia [Sep]
Insufficient or tardy menstruation occurring in the feeble and debilitated, those of dark complexion, delicate skin and who are sensitive to all impressions. In delay of first menses where a leucorrhoea occurs in their stead with determination of blood to the chest and pale face, the remedy is well indicated. Bryonia has nosebleed instead of menses frequently accompanied with bursting headache, and Phosphorus has haemoptysis and haematemesis instead of menses.Lachesis should not be forgotten here. Nosebleed and headache relieved by menstrual flow.
Graphites. Here, when the menses are suppressed, delayed or scanty, and accompanied with obstinate constipation, and indurated ovaries, it comes in especially well after Pulsatilla. It holds the same relation to the menopause that Pulsatilla does to puberty and youth. A sallow complexion, frequent paroxysms of headache, felling of abdominal emptiness and ball like constipation, which are marked Sepia symptoms, will easily distinguish this remedy. Cimicifuga. Cowperthwaite praises this remedy highly in amenorrhoea, giving it when no special indication are present, in nervous women subject to rheumatism or arthritic attacks, with aggravation of mental symptoms when the menses should appear.
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